Application for supporting individual membership

Pirate Parties International are offering Supporting Memberships for people and organisations who wish to support the work of the PPI. Anyone or any organisation can become a supporting member. For a small annual fee you can become an international Pirate and belong to a worldwide movement.

Supporting members can attend PPI general assemblies but may not vote unless appointed to do so by a full member. We hope that a community will form to meet the wishes of its members.

Please supply your Name, Email and Pirate Party affiliation if any. The yearly fee is 10 Euro. If you have any questions or you wish to use an alias then please contact us at membership [at] pp-international [dot] net.

For bank transaction:
Pirate Parties International
CH-1200 Genf / Genève

IBAN: CH63 0900 0000 8901 9371 7


To set up a yearly donation of 10 Euro

To pay for just one year or to add a donation

Application form for supporting members

To apply for supporting individual membership, please send an email to membership [at] pp-international [dot] net with the subject line “individual member application”, so we know who you are and can recognize your membership. Further information is available on our website.