Call for Offers – Pirate Parties International Conference 2018

PPI Conference 2018
The deadline for sending in the offers is 01.07.2018.
The conference should take place in the 4th quarter of 2018.
Completed offers as well as additional questions can be sent to the PPI board and will be published on this page.
01.05.2018 – publishing the call for offers
01.07.2018 – deadline for applications
02.07.2018 – online conference with all offers/public offer opening.
05.07.2018 – discussion of submitted offers
07.07.2018 – begin of voting by PPI members after the offer approval by PPI Board
15.07.2018 – announce winners. (PPI Board meeting)
This is required from the offers. You can always add more information to your offer!
- Conference will take place on a week-end.
- It will last for 2 days (Saturday/Sunday).
- Social events planned on Friday or Saturday evening (to be paid by participants or sponsored)
- Have access to the venue on Friday for setup of the conference
- Venues outside of Europe and Asia are welcomed.
Mandatory requirements:
- Dates
- Offering Party/Organisation
- Information on the venue
- Information on Social events planned
- List of dates the conference can take place
- Assurence for streaming abilities (Zoom or others as for to and fro) #bandwith
Offering Pirate Party/Organisation
- Your party/organisation does not need to be a member of the PPI.
- Countries from every continent can deposit an offer. Europe and Asia are not prefered in a way.
- Regional or local parties/organisations can deposit an offer.
Mandatory requirements:
- Name of the Pirate Party/Organisation planning the conference
- The offering party/organsisation is required to sign a contract. (If your Party is not a legal personality who can sign contracts, you need to find someone who can sign on your behalf)
- Accessibility:
- Easily accessible via public transportation
- International airport and train station nearby (International guests have to be able to reach the location of the conference without too much trouble. We don’t necessarily require an international airport right next to the venue, but the nearest airport should at least be connected to an international hub, so that international guests don’t have to change planes too often.)
- Address must be found by GPS/Navi
- Parking nearby
- Venue:
- Size: place for 50-150 people
Chairs for all people
Tables for the majority of the people
Access possible for disabled persons
Sound system: at least 3-5 mobile Microphones, Speakers, Mixer, Sound-Operator. Microphones must be able to be used by the audience. Connection to stream equipment is mandatory. - Video: beamer/screen necessary, must be big enough to read from the last rows of the venue. Staff for it is mandatory as well.
- Facilities
- Separate rooms for conference production (at least 10 sqm), press centre (at least 15 sqm)
- Electricity: must handle projector, light, and use of laptops of the majority of the guests. Plugs available for a majority of the seats.
- Internet access for all guests. Must be reliable and fast enough for streaming.
- Net balancing for prioritized applications. Fallback solution in case of failure of the line.
- Streaming: audio streaming of the entire “official” part of the conference is a must, video streaming is highly suggested (Zoom or similar).
- Size: place for 50-150 people
- Catering is not a must. However information on local restaurants/malls with reasonable prices is a minimum.
Mandatory requirements:
- Accessibility:
- Address of the venue
- Distance (km) and time of the closes train station and airport
- Venue:
- Size of the venue (people, m^2)
- Number of chairs and tables
- Access for disabled persons?
- Details on the sound equipment
- Details on the video equipment
- Dedicated uplink with 10Mbps, downlink 25Mbps.
- Facilities?
- Details on the electricity setup
- Details on the Internet setup
- Details on the streaming setup
- Accessibility:
- Possibility to put up signs on public places with directions around the venue
- side rooms for open space conference workshops
- Venue:
- Pictures of the venue
- Stage in venue
- Wardrobe
- 1-2 extra rooms (e.g. for press, organization team)
- Possibility to decorate (e.g. flags, posters)
- A lot of plugs
- Video streaming possible (big bonus), including beamer content
- Catering
- Separate space for sponsors to present themselves
- Many journalists present 🙂
- One local project leader, easily reachable by phone/e-mail/wire/SIP.
- Team of at least 10 people dedicated to plan the conference
- Team of at least 20-25 people over the week-end at the location
Mandatory requirements:
- Contact data of the project leader
- Size of the planning team
- Size of the team at the location
- Local press team which is active at least 4 weeks before the event.
- The more people the better.
Mandatory requirements:
- Approx. costs of the conference (total and summary detail)
- Funding possibilities (e.g. local/regional/national funding by the authorities or private organizations)
- Additional funding concept (like possible sponsors, public funds that can be used, etc.)
- Hotels/hostels nearby (contingent possible?)
- Possibility of staying overnight at the venue
Mandatory requirements:
- Approx. number of hostels/hotels near venue
- Approx. costs for accommodation
- Transport hotel/hostel to venue
- Approx. living costs in the city of the venue
You can use this template to send in your offer. You can add to or modify the template if you have additional details about your offer.
Date of the conference: (can be a list of alternatives)
Your name: (Pirate Party/Organisation)
Address of the venue:
Distance and time to the closest train station and airport:
Size of the venue (people, m^2):
Number of chairs and tables available:
Access for disabled persons: Yes/No
Details on the sound equipment:
Details on the video equipment:
Details on the electricity setup:
Details on the Internet setup:
Details on the streaming setup:
Wardrobe: Yes/No
1-2 extra rooms: Yes/No
Possibility to decorate (e.g. flags, posters): Yes/No
Contact data of the project leader: (name), (e-mail address), (telephone number), (JabberID), (SIP address)
Size of the planning team:
Size of the team at the location:
Approx. costs of the conference: (total and summary detail)
Funding possibilities:
Additional funding concepts:
Approx. number of hostels/hotels near venue:
Approx. costs for accommodation for 2-3 days:
Approx. living costs in the city of the venue for the time of the conference: