Speech at The United Nations Commission for Social Development

On February 19th, 2019 Dr. Ohad Bar Siman-Tov presented the following speech at the 57th UN Commission for Social Development (CSocD57) at UN Headquarters in New York.
Over the course of February 11th to 21st several PPI representatives from around the world converged on New York for the event, including Mr. Raymond Johansen, Ms. Bailey Lamon, Mr. Ladislav Koubek, and Dr. Ohad Shem Tov. The following are some of their pictures from the event.
- Pictures from PPI delegates at the CSOCD57 at UNHQ
The official publication of PPI’s full statement is available here: //undocs.org/E/CN.5/2019/NGO/34
A copy of the text of the statement:
PPI is working to make a vocal presence at the UN by speaking at high level meetings, submitting policy documents, and lobbying for important issues, such as reducing inequalities and protecting individuals’ freedoms of expression in online environments.
Please share information about our statements, and write us comments about how we should further utilize our position at the UN.