Happy 15th Birthday to the Pirate Party of Switzerland!

Happy 15th Birthday to the Pirate Party of Switzerland!

15 Years of the Pirate Party of Switzerland Fifteen years ago (July 12th, 2009), the Swiss Pirate Party was formed. Initially there were 124 members who came together in Zurich to form the party. They shared a vision of promoting digital rights, transparency, and freedom in an increasingly surveilled world. Today they continue their efforts together with many other Pirate parties around the world. They […]

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Review of June 18 2024 Board Meeting, Pirate Beer on June 29, Next Board Meeting on July 9

Review of June 18 2024 Board Meeting, Pirate Beer on June 29, Next Board Meeting on July 9

We update you all with a short summary of our last board meeting, but before doing so we remind everyone that there will be a Pirate beer coming up on June 29, 2024 at 20:00 Sydney, Australia time, which is 10:00 UTC time. The event will take place in our Jitsi room. Also, the next board meeting is scheduled for July 9, 2024, at 20:00 […]

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PPI attends the UN Virtual Worlds Day

PPI attends the UN Virtual Worlds Day

PPI attended the inaugural UN Virtual Worlds Day. A big thanks to our representative Carlos Polo and his colleagues at UNOG for attending the event on our behalf. The event was hosted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The event explored the transformative potential of the metaverse, from immersive VR experiences to discussions on spatial computing. They questioned how virtual technologies can foster international cooperation […]

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PPI Attends The World Summit on the Information Society

PPI Attends The World Summit on the Information Society

PPI recently attended The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) +20 Forum High-Level Event 2024 from 27 to 31 May 2024. This is a UN summit held in Geneva. The current event marked the summit’s 20th anniversary. The WSIS aims to bridge the digital divide by increasing internet accessibility in developing countries. The event was co-organized by several United Nations organizations including ITU, UNESCO, […]

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Board Meeting Review, Next Meeting June 18

Board Meeting Review, Next Meeting June 18

PPI will hold its next board meeting on June 18th at 14:00 UTC Where: https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPI-Board Agenda: https://ga.pp-international.net/c/ppiboard/31 On June 19 we will hold the AI working group, also on the same Jitsi channel. Minutes from the last board meeting are available here: https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=PPI_Minutes_2024-05-28 To summarize our last meeting in one sentence, we discussed European elections, Russian elections, an unofficial Pirate beer gathering that took place […]

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AI Working Group Review

AI Working Group Review

The AI Working Group convened for its 3rd meeting immediately after the social media working group. We had a lot of new faces who brought different ideas about the types of AI activities that we should engage. We began with updates on building the Ollama AI and a Python server. Since the main leaders of those projects were not present, we will need to have […]

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Social Media Working Group Review

Social Media Working Group Review

On April 17th PPI held a double working group event of the SCENE (social media) and AI groups. We present a brief overview of the social media working group here. We also announce that since the participants were so excited about the progress that we scheduled the next working group to take place in just one week: 25th April 18:00 UTC, again on our Jitsi: […]

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Pirates at the UNHQ Partnership Forum in NY

Pirates at the UNHQ Partnership Forum in NY

On January 30, 2024 PPI’s representatives Ohad Shem Tov and Ohad Bar Siman Tov attended the United Nations Headquarters in New York for the Partnership Forum of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The forum addressed the critical theme of “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient, and innovative solutions.” https://ecosoc.un.org/en/events/2024/ecosoc-partnership-forum The 2024 ECOSOC […]

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Alexei Navalny Condolence Statement from Pirate Party of Russia

Alexei Navalny Condolence Statement from Pirate Party of Russia

The following is a translation of the statement from the Pirate Party of Russia about Alexei Navalny. For those of you who can read Russian, you can find the original post here: https://pirate-party.ru/smert-navalnogo/ Russian pirates participated with Alexei Navalny at the Internet Freedom Conference on December 7, 2019. You can find a video of his speech at that conference here: https://youtu.be/3L6YvHxRKL8?si=zSCm6wvfnBmaH3OI 1125 days in jail […]

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Passing of our dear friend and comrade from the Netherlands, Danny Werner

Passing of our dear friend and comrade from the Netherlands, Danny Werner

Dear Pirates, By now I am sure you have all heard about the passing of our dear friend and comrade from the Netherlands, Danny Werner: https://piratenpartij.nl/in-memoriam-danny-werner/ A lot of us knew Danny through the international Pirate movement, including many PPI and PPEU events/projects. He was a hard working and passionate Pirate and just an overall amazing human, and we will miss him greatly. This Friday, February […]

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