Join the PPI GA Now, All You Need to Know

As many of you know our yearly General Assembly is held on December 7th and 8th. But from tomorrow you will be able to debate motions and give input through Discourse. This years assembly, GA hereafter, will be purely online. To do that we have set up software to make sure everything runs smoothly and that everyone gets heard. Naturally we will therefor need you to be registered with a user account in each of these, lets call them, apps. The success of our preparation and your participation rests fully on knowing who you are and who you formally represent. Lets run trough this step by step.
General Assembly Webinar, Zoom
Some of you have already registered for the GA through our form, and we will therefore be able to update you effectively. We will need further details from all of you. Please, everybody, go to the following invitation to our Webinar app Zoom is comparable to a venue with people in the audience, (called Attendees), and people on the stage, (Organisers) and lastly a microphone podium for when the Meeting Chair has given you the right to speak.
Register here now please: —->
You will receive a confirmation email with your very own unique URL to the event, with a couple of reminders as we get closer to the event. Please also share that link to all of your colleagues and to your Twitter and Facebook so that nobody in your country is in the dark about the GA. On the top of the page are sharing buttons making it quite easy to help us spread the word. The webinar has 10 000 seats so we encourage everyone who wants to register as Attendees. We will also be streaming the event on Youtube. That URL will be publicised right after we start the event. The public therefore will have two ways to follow the GA. In Zoom or through Youtube.
General Assembly Debates, Discourse
On December 1st, as long as you have registered for the event, you will receive an invitation to Discourse on email. There you can, from that day, talk about the GA and submit motions and nominations should you so feel inclined. Your moderators will be the board of PPI. This is the address for Discourse:
You will there also find these specific areas to
Debate motions:
Present nominations:
And have an open discussion about the GA:
General Assembly Meeting and Voting app, Congressus
On this GA we will present and use, for the first time, Congressus. A beautiful invention by the French pirates that we in the board hope will become available for the rest of the Pirate movement. It is an app that will help, even down to the local level, everyone to run a party in a professional way and strengthen processes, transparency and democracy. As long as you have registered you will get an email reminder to register to Congressus.
If you do not register your delegates, (up to six per member), and voting email, (only one), you will not be able to take part as a delegate for your country. Should you happen to be good at minutes feel free to contact one of the organisers, (the board), and you can help crowd-source them.
Please register for Congressus here and now: —>
Chat and meeting app, Discord (all year round channel)
In the coming months PPI will try to facilitate a channel, or space if you will, for grassroots efforts and cooperation. We think that we have to be where our members are. It was then an easy choice. Discord does a few things extremely well.
Please join Discord now already: —>
Those horrible formalities
For us that <just love statutes> wink we have to inform the rest of you that because of them and also for practical reasons we will have to have an email from your Pirate Party, a proven representative like the international coordinator stating who will be the delegates and from which email account your votes will be cast in Congressus.
Contact your leadership and urge them to send us your delegates to: —>
This, we will of course only need for official delegates. Everyone else can just disregard this point.
The fun part, Pirate Beer
The night before the event, at 20:00 CET – Friday December 6th, we invite you to an online Pirate Beer in Zoom. We’ll chat about anything, everything, and have a drink if you like. It’s a great tradition started many years ago in Sweden.
The room, found here: —>, will be open to everyone. See you there.
Oh, before I forget. The password is 777. Like in Pirates of the 777 seas, for those that remember what being a scally wag before the Pirate Party was founded in Sweden was like. Yes, there where Pirates a plenty that shared everything and all them files as far back as late in 1986, if we are not mistaken. (wink)
Provisional Agenda
Here is the agenda the GA and PPI members will finalize at the start of day one. When you are registered to Discourse you can find it here: —>