Invitation to the first Meeting of the Pirate Parties International Standing Committee on Universal Liaison on Party Labor (SCULL)

Invitation to the first Meeting of the Pirate Parties International Standing Committee on Universal Liaison on Party Labor (SCULL)
We like to invite you to the first meeting of PPI‘s SCULL to be conducted online, Monday Januar 20 2020 20:00 – 22:00 CET in Zoom – Meeting ID 322 832 033 Password: 082251
who should attend: International Coordinators, IT officers.
We initiate the SCULL meetings this year with the goal to foster cooperation among PPI’s members. This Standing Committee aims to extend the direct communications not only between the international coordinators of the Pirate Parties, but also among those, who is helping to run them – the IT, the Graphics and Design teams, those who handle the Membership registers, and so on. The SCULL is meant as an ongoing initiative that will touch all different areas of work of a Pirate Party, but for its first meeting we like to start with the Information Technology (IT), as this is something absolutely all of our members have, regardless of their size or maturity level. For the next meetings I have penciled in the topics of “How is a Pirate Party organized – structures, workgroups, volunteers)”, “Graphic teams and design”, “tools for democracy”.
For the first meeting of the PPI SCULL on January 20 I suggest the following agenda:
- Introduction of Delegates
- Introduction of the PPI’s IT infrastructure
- Services that are provided for PPI’s Members
(Mailing Lists, Nextcloud, Mumble, Etherpads, other… ) - IT services from PPI Members
- Chat Infrastructure for Pirates
- Other topics
- next meeting and structure for collaboration
We kindly ask the Pirate Parties to prepare to share details on their IT Best Practices and if they have IT Services that could be provided to other PPI Members.
Please contact the PPI Board if you have suggestion for the upcoming SCULL meeting agenda.
The meeting is publicly open to everybody. However, following the decision of the PPI GA from March 2015 every PPI member is entitled to one vote. Hower, we encourage you to invite as many subject matter experts as you like. The Committee Meeting will be recorded.
Please be aware, that other Standing Committees of PPI are also in the process of launching, the invites will be sent our in the coming days and weeks – we are preparing a SC for the exchange of our financial experts – on budgets, finance and fund raising, and another one on press, election campaigning, social media. We already have started with our Standing Committee on the relationship with the UN and other international bodies, that had its first Meeting in December, its next meeting will be in March.