Invitation to the first Meeting of SCURVY

Invitation to the first Meeting of the Pirate Parties International Standing Committee on Usual Requisitions of Various Yields (SCURVY)
Who should attend: international coordinators, finance officers.
We initiate the SCURVY meetings this year with the goal to foster cooperation among PPI’s members. This standing committee aims to extend direct communications not only between international coordinators of Pirate Parties, but also between actual subject matter experts. The upcoming SCURVY session will focus primarily on finance topics: membership fees, fund raising, party subsidies, controlling (evaluating based on standards and regulations), budgets, accounting, etc.
For the first meeting of the PPI SCURVY on February 9 I suggest the following agenda:
- Introduction of Participants
- Keynote by Andreas Lange, Vice-Treasurer Pirate Party Germany “Three pillars of party financing in germany”
- Keynote by Alessandro Ciofini Treasurer Pirate Party Italy on membership fee strategies
- Keynote by N.N. from the finance team of Pirate Party of the Czech Republic on fundraising
- Structure for collaboration and future meetings
We kindly ask Pirate Parties to prepare to share details on their financial best practices.
Please contact the PPI Board if you have suggestion for the upcoming SCURVY meeting agenda.
The meeting is open to everybody. Following the decision of the PPI GA from March 2015 every PPI member is entitled to one vote. Hower, we encourage you to invite as many subject matter experts as you like. The committee meeting will be recorded.
Please be aware, that other standing committees of PPI are also in the process of launching, and invites will be sent in the coming days and weeks. The SCENE (Standing Committee on External Network Engagement, i.e. press, election campaigning, social media) will happen on April 20th. Already on January 20, 2020 we held the Standing Committee on Universal Liaison on Party Labor (SCULL), and on December 1, 2019 we held the Standing Committee on UN Relations and other international bodies (SCUBA). The next SCUBA meeting will be in March. The next meeting of SCULL will focus on graphics collaboration and will take place on March 15th.
I look forward to seeing you soon,
Sincerely, Gregory Engels
Vice-Chair Pirate Parties International