The Prague Think Twice Conference, April 24-26

The title of this year’s Think Twice Conference is Ante Portas (near future technologies and their implications).
Below you will find information about speaking at the event, as well as basic information about attending the conference.
Think Twice is an international conference organized by Pirate Parties International, Pirate Party of Czechia and MEP Markéta Gregorová of parliamentary group Greens/ EFA.
There will be no admission fee for this year’s Think Twice Conference. However, people can support the conference with voluntary donations. The event is entirely non-profit. Registration will take place on site. The conference will offer space for up to 200 participants to meet over the course of two days to present lectures and participate in panels focusing on the future and upcoming challenges. Participation is open to the public, and speakers will include leaders from a variety of organizations who seek to debate policies that target future technologies and their implications. All sessions will be streamed live. Video recordings and conference proceedings will be published afterwards.
Dates and Location
Conference dates: April 24-26, 2020
Location: 130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov, Venuše ve Švehlovce Slavíkova 22 (Prague City Centre)
Important Info For Attendees
Conference registration:
Facebook Event:
The event is free. We are grateful for any assistance. Donations will be kindly accepted on the conference registration.
Important Info For Potential Speakers
Submission Deadline: March 8, 2020
Contact: conference @
Speaker notifications will be made by March 10th
Final version of manuscripts should be submitted on April 05th
We are looking for session submissions on the following themes (other relevant topics may be permissible):
Human Rights: security, data protection, surveillance, FOI, basic income, emigration, voting rights, drones, non-proliferation, dual use technology, encryption, anonymity, transparency, net neutrality, open data, egovernment, society, whistle blowing, political science, etc…
Emergence: Internet governance, copyrights, patents, collaboration, citizen journalism, media, DRM, open access, FOI, public licensing, policy reform, education, etc…
Revolution: Artificial intelligence, future technologies, innovation, liquid democracy, transhumanism, cyborgs, start-ups, vision, 3d-printing, crowd-sourcing, big data, participation, pirate parties, social networks, autonomous vehicles, globalization, space travel, digital activism, etc…
Terms and conditions of paper submission
1) Title and abstract of the proposed session should be submitted by email to conference @ by 08 March 2020.
2) Submissions will be accepted in English language only.
3) For accepted submissions, the session material and eventual audio and video recordings will be published under a CC-BY 4.0 license.
4) In case of any financial support, the name of the organization or institute should be reflected in the abstract. Evidently, submission and publication of such papers are subjected to letter of consent from the respective organization or institute to Pirate Parties International.
See you there!
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