Reminder: PPI General Assembly This Weekend!

Hello Pirates,
Hope you are all doing well.
We have a General Assembly this weekend! That is this Saturday, July 2nd. The event will start at 9:00 UTC/11:00 CEST/5:00 EDT. We will be meeting on the PPI Mumble Server: in the room ‘Online GA’. Mumble is an audio chat tool and if you’ve never used it before, you can download it for free here:
Members of the PPI Board will join the Mumble room early so we will be there to answer questions and help you out with anything you might need before the event.
You can find a draft agenda here:
Remember to review the Discourse forum and give your feedback on the proposals and topics that will be discussed at the GA:
Please register your delegates if you haven’t already. Remember that you can have up to 6 registered delegates representing your party, but there is no limit on who can attend and observe. There is also no deadline to submit motions. You are encouraged to bring up whatever topics you’d like to discuss among the PPI community. We only get together like this twice a year so take advantage of it!
Lastly, as it seems to be a GA tradition we happily invite everyone to join us this Friday, July 1st for a little pre-GA informal get together. That will take place starting from 19:00 UTC/21:00 CEST/15:00 EDT in the PPI Big Blue Button room where our board meetings and monthly socials take place:
If you have any questions or suggestions for the event, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
We look forward to seeing (hearing) you all this weekend.
PPI Board