PPI Attends The World Summit on the Information Society

PPI Attends The World Summit on the Information Society

PPI recently attended The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) +20 Forum High-Level Event 2024 from 27 to 31 May 2024. This is a UN summit held in Geneva. The current event marked the summit’s 20th anniversary. The WSIS aims to bridge the digital divide by increasing internet accessibility in developing countries. The event was co-organized by several United Nations organizations including ITU, UNESCO, […]

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Geneva Course to Stop Espionage and Surveillance

Geneva Course to Stop Espionage and Surveillance

Pirate Parties International’s UNOG representative Carlos Parlo arrived yesterday for the opening event of the 55th Geneva Course conducted by Geneva for Human Rights – Global Training & Policy Studies. The course is taking place during the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council, from March 5 to March 22, 2024. As can be seen by the photos, the topics that they are promoting […]

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Reviewing the Pirate Security Conference

Reviewing the Pirate Security Conference

The 10th annual Pirate Security Conference took place on Feb. 17 and 18, 2024. This event is organized by our friends at Pirate Party of Germany with assistance from Pirate Parties International and additional partners. It takes place under the backdrop of the Munich Security Conference. This year we had perhaps the best lineup of speakers ever. A newspaper article was written about the conference […]

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Pirate Security Conference in Munich On February 17-18, 2024

Pirate Security Conference in Munich On February 17-18, 2024

The Quantum Jump in Technology and Geopolitics Sa. 17. Feb. 2024 10:00 – So. 18. Feb. 2024 17:00 CET Please see further details on the conference’s website: https://events.pirate-secon.net/en/the-pirate-security-conference-2024/ PPI is happy to continue its support of the Pirate Security Conference in Munich. The local organizing team of Alexander Kohler, Anja Hirschel, Sebastian Krone, Denk Selbst, and their Crew have done a great job of keeping […]

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2024 UNOG Participation

2024 UNOG Participation

We are thrilled to share that Pirate Parties International has once again secured ground passes, allowing our representatives to participate at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland (UNOG). We also have a team on the ground at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and will be sharing a separate blog about their activities soon. Furthermore, we are working now on getting a team […]

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2023 Winter GA Updates

2023 Winter GA Updates

Ahoy Pirates, The 2023 Winter GA will be held on December 9th at 12 pm UTC. The meeting will take place on the PPI Mumble server: https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=Mumble (see details below) The primary outlet for sharing information for the GA is on our Discourse: https://ga.pp-international.net/c/december-2023-ga/33   To Guests: You are welcome to sit in and listen. If you would like to have time to make a […]

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October 11th Board Meeting and Rescheduled Winter GA on December 9th

October 11th Board Meeting and Rescheduled Winter GA on December 9th

Ahoy Pirates, The next board meeting is scheduled for October 11th at 21:00 UTC. Where: https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPI-Board Please feel free to add comments for the board on our Discourse: https://ga.pp-international.net/c/ppiboard/ At the last board meeting we also decided that the Winter General Assembly (GA) will take place on December 9th, starting at 12:00 UTC. If needed we will schedule an extra day on December 10th, but our goal […]

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GA Quorum Issue and Upcoming Board Meeting

GA Quorum Issue and Upcoming Board Meeting

Ahoy Pirates, Alas we had an issue making quorum at the scheduled GA. There seem to be issues with the timing of our meetings, inactive parties that need to be reviewed, and active parties that need to join. At the next PPI Board meeting on Aug. 16, we will discuss ways to remedy this situation. Thank you all for your commitment to PPI. We appreciate […]

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Pirate Parties International General Assembly, July 29th

Pirate Parties International General Assembly, July 29th

About half a year has passed since our last GA, and we are ready for the 2023 PPI Summer GA! This will be an entirely online GA. At the last board meeting we decided to hold the next GA on Saturday, July 29th. We will start at 08:00 UTC, which is 10:00 CEST. This GA will focus on discussing various proposals. Election of new PPI […]

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UNOG: PPI consultations on autonomous weapons systems, information society, and science at the UN

UNOG: PPI consultations on autonomous weapons systems, information society, and science at the UN

An Update on Numerous Recent Activities of PPI at the United Nations Office in Geneva!   Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS) PPI has been accepted to be one of the Civil Society representatives to contribute on the mandate of regulation of autonomous weapons systems (AWS). All the technological aspects of understanding the use of functions of this systems are clear for all actors, the main issues […]

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