Passing of our dear friend and comrade from the Netherlands, Danny Werner

Passing of our dear friend and comrade from the Netherlands, Danny Werner

Dear Pirates,

By now I am sure you have all heard about the passing of our dear friend and comrade from the Netherlands, Danny Werner:

A lot of us knew Danny through the international Pirate movement, including many PPI and PPEU events/projects. He was a hard working and passionate Pirate and just an overall amazing human, and we will miss him greatly.

This Friday, February 9th at 20:30 UTC/21:30 CET there will be an online celebration of life for Danny in this Jitsi room:

Everyone is invited. The event is simple, just show up ready to celebrate Danny, bring your funny stories and happy memories to share if you like. Danny used to attend the old Pirate Beer hangouts and that is more or less what the format will be, relaxed and fun and something that he would have enjoyed.

See you all there!

In friendship,