#HowTo Mumble with Pirates and Activists in PPI
Having meetings online, streamed and through Mumble lets PPI demonstrate full transparency
This is a guide on how to listen in or participate in Mumble meetings with Pirate Parties International. General assemblies, board meetings and monthly international coordinator meetings occur on Mumble. We record the audio and publish the recording immediately after each meeting. Some of the meetings are even live streamed.
Mumble is open source voice chat software. Once you have installed this program on your computer or mobile device you can log in to a server. You will see a list of rooms in which you can meet other people to talk with. If you don’t have a microphone, don’t worry, because Mumble also has a text chat channel.
Summary: This is a guide on how to install Mumble on your device. You will learn how to configure Push to Talk and adjust your sound options. Finally, we explain how to configure the program to connect to our servers and the specific room where the meeting occurs.
Install Mumble on your desktop or look for a Mumble compatible app for your Android or IoS device
Download the Mumble client for your computer / mobile here: https://www.mumble.com/
Install Mumble as you do with any other program and be sure to run/finish the ‘Audio Wizard’ when you start Mumble for the first time. Please select the ‘Push To Talk button’ when running the ‘Audio Wizard’, otherwise your microphone will disturb the conversation by creating feedback. Afterwards, you can click on the button when you want to speak. You should only use the microphone when you are speaking.
Configuration to connect with our PPI servers
Read these instructions or directly do the following:
In Mumble click on menu: Server > Connect > Add new
Enter the following information:
Label: PPI (or any name that lets you remember where to find our server)
Server: mumble.piratenpartei-nrw.de (must be inserted exactly as written as the “Address”)
Port: 64738
Nickname: Your name/nick (Please use at least a name that identifies you and your country/party/organisation)
How to find the room where the meeting is taking place
The right column in Mumble should now list all the rooms available. All you have to do is navigate down to find the meeting room as shown in the following illustration. In the left column you will be able to chat and share links. Good luck and feel free to find us in DM on Twitter at @PPI_Activism or @PPInternational if you should have further questions. Best of luck, and see you soon.