UPDATE: Final Preparations for PPI General Assembly Tomorrow

UPDATE: Final Preparations for PPI General Assembly Tomorrow

Hello, fellow Pirates!

The PPI board has been finishing last-minute preparation for this weekend’s General Assembly, and everything is almost in place. We are very much looking forward to connecting with all of you. Through your motions and statute proposals we will make changes to the functioning of PPI itself. You will also be able to nominate anyone you like for board positions, including vice-chair and alternates. But most importantly, we will have Pirates from all over the world talking to one another, updating each other on what we are doing in our respective countries, and making plans for the future of our international union.

As per the emails you have gotten from us, here are some things you need to know (and possibly do) before the GA:

1. Registering for Zoom video conference

About 15 of you have not registered yet. Please do so now. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/ee28ce83fcbc1282cde7dc3c8da9331e

If you haven’t gotten an email confirmation check your spam folder or contact Raymond Johansen: raymond.johansen@pp-international.net.


2. Registering for voting at Poll Everywhere
To get push messages to vote in a browser or on any type of cell phone, ONE of your delegates must register here. Use full name PLUS party country. Like PPNO or PPRU. www.polleverywhere.com/register?p=7a2v5-1bb4&pg=NCd3ovg&u=kDKteZMN

The General Assembly will start at 10:30am CEST, but board members will be available from 8am to mingle with you and answer any questions you have before getting started.

4. Delegate list 
Please contact Raymond Johansen if delegates from your country are missing, or your email or name is misspelled. https://ppi.piratenpad.de/ep/pad/view/ro.AM4TMPZJWbviV/latest
5 Nominations
Here are the nominated. Feel free to email board@pp-international.net to nominate someone new. We want the next board to be strengthened.
PPDE nominates the following people for the board of PPI or alternate
board members
Bailey Lamon PP-CA for Vice-Chair
Keith L. Goldstein PP-IL for board member
Raymond Johanson PP-NO for board member
Gregory Engels PP-DE for alternate board member
Pirate Party of Norway nominates the following for the board or alternate board members
Etienne Evellin PPFR, if he accepts the nomination
Mikulas Peksa PPCZ, if he accepts the nomination
Raymond Johansen PPNO

Please be aware that you can submit motions and board candidatures right up until the last minute.

If you have any questions or need to contact us for any reason, do not hesitate!
See you all at the GA!
PPI Board 2016-2017