Letter from the Pirate Party of Slovenia – Pirate conference and upcoming election

Hello fellow Pirates!
Slovenia is holding parliamentary elections on the 27th of May or 3rd of June! There will be a referendum about the construction of a railroad line (don’t ask) just before that – on May 13th.
The Pirates will naturally be running on this election. We’re poling at 3.5% (the threshold for entering the parliament is 4%) and our polling agent tells us that our biggest problem is that we have a lot of support, they’re just too passive to vote.
The state of PPSI
We’ve been active for 8 years. We’ve attended the 2014 EU elections (2.3%), the 2014 National elections (1.36% – we got ~80k EUR of funding per year for 4 years) and two referendums in the last two years ( on same sex marriage and the above mentioned railroad line construction [again, don’t ask]).
We’ve also written a law for the complete legalisation and regulation of cannabis that was submitted into parliament by the prime ministers’ (i.e. biggest) political party. Unfortunately it never got into session due to the PM stepping down 3 months before regular elections. It has a very serious chance of passing in the next term!
We have five full time employees and one part time employee. Our team is ~30 strong and we’ve just started adding local chapters (Slovenia only has 2mil residents).
We’ve grown a lot, consolidated and gathered the experience needed to run a serious party.
Now we need your help:
Pirate conference in Slovenia
We’re looking for high profile Pirates to come to Slovenia for a one-day event with panels on “pirate topics”. The goals is to show the Slovenian public that (a) Pirates dominate all digital and technological topics and (b) we have support of an international movement.
The dates we’re looking at are: the 22nd or 29th of May (depending on the election date – we’ll know by the 15th of April)
If you’re willing to come or know of someone appropriate, please let me know!
We’re also looking for non-pirate high profile people that are active in these fields to come, if you know anyone that’s willing.
Help out with the election campaign
The Pirates are known for helping out during the political campaigns of all the different national Pirate branches, so we’re counting on your help. We’re unable to fund any trips (all the money we have is going for the campaign) but if anyone wants to come and help out – we need you!
There will be loads to do! Slovenians LOVE foreigners so you could even help out with direct voter interactions. One of the major tasks from the 20th of April till the ~10th of May will be signature collection – we need a certain amount to run in the elections. We’ll also be doing lots and lots of field work for our “get out and vote” campaign directed at younger voters.
But we also need Video teams, Graphics artists, researchers, social media managers, online advertisers and general volunteers. Political, campaign or marketing experience/consultants will also come in handy!
If you would like to join us in our campaign let me know!
Rok Andrée
Predsednik / Party president
+386 31 798 953
Piratska stranka Slovenije / Pirate Party of Slovenia
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