Pirate Statement on Homelessness for the United Nations

The following statement was made by Pirate Parties International headquarters (PPI HQ) for the Commission for Social Development (CSocD58) conference [1] on “affordable housing and social protection systems for all to address homelessness”. This year is special for the CSocD, which is celebrating 75 years. PPI’s statement now appears on the UN website.
Pirate Parties International (PPI) concludes in this paper that technology-based tools such as internet crowd sourcing of information and low threshold access to resource information better targets help where it’s needed. In areas where housing cannot be provided, PPI proposes structured and open use of apps, websites and manned computer labs to help homeless locate resources, while making it easy for volunteers, employers and NGO’s to get their information to the homeless.
https://scoop.me/housing-first-finland-homelessness/ Finland proves the efficacy of Housing First to reintegrate homeless into society. PPI are strong supporters of the self-evident truth that people function better when they have a place to live.
Merging technology, resources, helpers and users via digital platforms is a new frontier in fighting homelessness.
As part of PPI’s involvement in the Economic and Social Affairs Committee (ECOSOC), we are routinely asked to submit statements. This year’s topic was one that our members had a lot of feedback about, as homelessness is a problem that affects many pirates who are by nature not tycoons and face economic difficulties.
This year’s CSocD58 will take place from 10 to 19 February 2020 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. This commission works towards global development, each year proposing a unique theme. This is the 3rd year in a row that PPI has participated in the CSocD.
We will be sending representatives to the conference, and we will also be requesting to make a statement.
Last year’s statement and blog from this event can be viewed at this link: https://pp-international.net/2019/07/speech-at-the-united-nations-commission-for-social-development/