Freedom To Share is looking for translators quickly!

Freedom To Share needs one million signatures! They will start collecting them on November 15th. @darccio from @partit_pirata shares this link where you can go to contribute.
The Freedom To Share initiative needs one million signatures calling for protecting the right to share files for personal use and non-profits. They call for the adoption of a legislative act providing for a waiver of copyright, related rights, and sui generis database rights for people sharing files via digital networks for personal use and non-profit purposes.
People and fundamental rights must be at the heart of political and legislative decisions. It is, therefore, necessary to change the current rules governing the sharing of files containing works and other material protected by copyright, related rights, and sui generis database rights in order to enable the potential for freedom and social, cultural, and economic development offered by digital networks.
Go to where you can subscribe. And thank you to @darccio from @partit_pirata for sharing this link where you can go to contribute by translating for them.