LIVE Presidential Election Night coverage brought to you by the United States and Massachusetts Pirate Parties on Tuesday, November 3rd!

November 3rd Election Night start time begins at:
8:00pm EST / 1:00am UTC / 2:00am CET
There’s a new streaming link for the election night coverage tonight brought by @USPirates and @MassPirates. When they had tested the stream link before, it had counted as having been recorded which got it to be automatically deleted. James tells me all links now including on the press release on the website I wrote have all been fixed with the new YouTube streaming link included.
8:00pm EST / 1:00am UTC / 2:00am CET
A Pirate Take On The 2020 U.S. Election
The United States and Massachusetts Pirate Parties would love to invite national/international Pirates and supporters to join them live on ELECTION NIGHT Tuesday, November 3rd, starting at 8:00pm EST!
If you want to be a guest speaker, co-host during segments or throughout the night, email BOTH and for more information such as the time you want to appear for co-hosting or guest spots.
You’ll be emailed the link for the video conference service being used before the event begins. The event will be streamed live onto their YouTube channel for everyone else to watch so not to overload their video conference server.
If you’re outside the United States, you can check to see if we’re still streaming when you wake up by visiting Spend your morning breakfast with us if you’re just waking up while we’re streaming and possibly come co-host with us if we’re still awake! If you want to be a guest speaker, co-host during segments or throughout the following day streaming the aftermath of the night before, email BOTH and for more information such as the time you want to appear for co-hosting or guest spots. You’ll be emailed the link for the video conference service being used before the event begins.
Resources In How To Keep You Safe And Helpful Tools For Election Day:
• Know your voter rights and be your own best advocate on ELECTION DAY Tuesday, November 3rd!
• Text FIND to 788-683 to find where to vote or drop off your ballot.
• What’s on YOUR ballot? Use @RockTheVote’s look-up tool to learn.
• Where can you check to see if your vote by mail or absentee ballot was counted? Learn how to track your voter ballot in your state and make sure it’s counted.