PPI Board Meeting on March 5th at 20:00 UTC, AI Working Group on Feb. 24th at 20:00 UTC

PPI Board Meeting
The next PPI Board Meeting will take place on March 5, 2024 at 20:00 UTC. Everyone is welcome to attend. We will be discussing recent working groups, UN activities, and other important issues.
The board meeting will take place as usual on Jitsi: https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPI-Board
During the last meeting we had some difficulties on Jitsi, so we switched back to BBB: https://bbb.piratensommer.de/b/gre-cnw-a9v
Please watch out on both channels for the meeting, just in case.
AI Working Group
We also announce that there will be an AI working group on Feb. 24th at 20:00 UTC.
Review of last Board Meeting
Minutes of the last board meeting can be found here:https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=PPI_Minutes_2024-02-13
The PPI Board Meeting on February 13, 2024 was chaired by Alexander Isavnin. 6 out of 9 board members were present. We held the Election of PPIHQ Officials: Alexander was elected as CAO for PPIHQ, along with others. We decided to confirm our support for the Pirate Security Conference. The board agreed to donate 100 CHF for the conference, as was scheduled in our budget. The SCUBA Working Group discussed UN-related activities, and Alex volunteered to write an article on their importance for PPI. We held a short discussion on ground passes for Vienna and the Youth Forum. We also mentioned the idea of participating in the Teen Dynamic Coalition in IGF and the potential participation of Owen. We gained admin access to Pirate Times website and added an article from a Japanese contributor. We are seeking more volunteer writers. We had a request for help for Russian activists; Alex provided a link for more information.