Next PPI Board Meeting on March 26, 2024 at 09:00 UTC

Next PPI Board Meeting on March 26, 2024 at 09:00 UTC

The next PPI board meeting is scheduled for March 26, 2024, at 09:00 UTC.

The meeting will take place as usual on Jitsi:

Anyone can recommend an agenda item by writing in a topic here:

Yesterday, March 5, 2024, we held a meeting that we summarize here. You can also read the minutes yourself here:

We updated on domain issues, communication with WIPO, UIA profile updates, and website blogs. We also discussed technical issues. A proposal was approved vto create a website section with downloadable logos and visuals. Another motion was approved to form a committee to reach out to ECOSOC NGOs to set up formal relations. We will vote individually afterwards whether to accept each agreement.

The AI working group’s next meeting is scheduled for March 16, with plans to make it a recurring event.

We are making preparations for the Youth Forum in April.

We still don’t have any members going to the UN Office in Vienna. Do you want to represent PPI at UNOV, please contact us.

There is a proposal to move the PPI headquarters to Potsdam. Further planning and discussion are suggested.

Please join us for our next board meeting!