The 15th Board of PPI, Meeting on Jan. 28th at 14:00 UTC

Ahoy Pirates,
The General Assembly was a great success. You can read the minutes here:
We are pleased to present to you the 15th Board of PPI.
People Elected at the PPI General Assembly 2025
- Dr. Keith Goldstein (Israel)
Vice Chair (1-Year Term):
- Gregory Engels (Germany)
Board Members (2-Year Terms):
- Bailey Lamon (Canada)
- Alexander Isavnin (Russia)
- Mark Anthony van Treuren (Netherlands)
- Maycow Toledo (Brazil)
- Thomas Gaul (Germany, elevated after the meeting for 1 year term from Alternate to the Board due to last year’s resignation, will be confirmed at next board meeting)
Board Member (1-Year Term):
- Carlos Polo (Switzerland)
Alternate Board Members:
- Babak Tubis (Germany)
- Schoresch Davoodi (Germany)
- Stefan Dekkers (Netherlands)
Court of Arbitration Members:
- Ohad Shem Tov (Israel)
- Alexander Kohler (Germany)
- Nikolay Voronov (Russia)
Lay Auditors:
- Noam Kuzar (Israel)
- Nikolay Voronov (Russia)
- Mike Gill (formerly Czech Pirate Party)
The first meeting of the Board will take place on January 28th, 2025 at 14:00 UTC
The following is a brief summary of the GA.
Regular Member Countries Present at the PPI General Assembly 2025
The Pirate Parties International (PPI) General Assembly convened online on January 11, 2025. The Board report highlighted significant administrative milestones, such as finalizing financial access, establishing a new headquarters in Germany, and engaging with UN-related initiatives. The Treasurer’s report underscored financial concerns with outstanding membership fees and limited cash flow threatening sustainability. Lay auditors emphasized the need for continuity and better collaboration with the Treasurer, proposing two-year auditor terms to ensure oversight stability.
Working groups provided updates, including UN ECOSOC participation, social media engagement (SCENE), and AI projects. Pirate Beer social events continue to foster community engagement, while plans for a Think Twice-style conference were considered for post-EU elections. Another upcoming event is the Pirate Security Conference in Munich on Feb. 15 and 16. We also discussed the StopWars questionnaire and exhibition.