Pirate Security Conference in Munich On February 17-18, 2024

The Quantum Jump in Technology and Geopolitics
Sa. 17. Feb. 2024 10:00 – So. 18. Feb. 2024 17:00 CET
Please see further details on the conference’s website: https://events.pirate-secon.net/en/the-pirate-security-conference-2024/
PPI is happy to continue its support of the Pirate Security Conference in Munich. The local organizing team of Alexander Kohler, Anja Hirschel, Sebastian Krone, Denk Selbst, and their Crew have done a great job of keeping this event going for 10 years now. “This conference has not only set trends, but also pioneered them by always being ahead of its time. The increasing fusion of technology and security has created new dimensions of challenges and opportunities. Over these ten years, we have seen how the digital and geopolitical landscape has fundamentally changed and how these changes influence each other. The Pirate Security Conference has recognized this interplay and explored how technology is redefining not only security, but also power structures in the world.”
We hope that many people can join the conference either in person or online.
Scenes from Last Year’s Conference
“This conference is dedicated to the interplay of significant changes and disruptions, whether they occur in technology or geopolitical structures. Its focus lies in understanding how to navigate such abrupt developments that have far-reaching impacts.
Experts from various fields will come together to shed light on the implications of quantum leaps, whether in technology or global power structures. Discussions might revolve around coping with these disruptions and how businesses, institutions, and countries can adapt and even benefit from these dynamic changes.
The conference provides space for a wide spectrum of topics, from adapting to rapid changes to creating strategies for a more stable future in a time when disruptive developments in technology and geopolitics are the norm. It’s about finding ways not just to survive, but thrive in such times.
We are happy to present again top-class guests with exciting and informative lectures to the audience.”