Review of June 18 2024 Board Meeting, Pirate Beer on June 29, Next Board Meeting on July 9

Review of June 18 2024 Board Meeting, Pirate Beer on June 29, Next Board Meeting on July 9

We update you all with a short summary of our last board meeting, but before doing so we remind everyone that there will be a Pirate beer coming up on June 29, 2024 at 20:00 Sydney, Australia time, which is 10:00 UTC time. The event will take place in our Jitsi room.

Also, the next board meeting is scheduled for July 9, 2024, at 20:00 UTC, also on Jitsi.

During the last meeting we got the disappointing results from the recent PPEU elections. The Pirate Party Germany (PPDE) lost its seat, while the Pirate Party Czech Republic (PPCZ) lost two seats. However, the Pirate Party is still represented in the European parliament, and that is still an amazing accomplishment for a young party with a humble beginning. PPI will be sending delegates to the upcoming PPEU meeting. Keith Goldstein and Bailey Lamon will participate on PPIĀ“s behalf, representing parties that are not part of PPEU and thus lacking any conflict of interest.

Bailey Lamon drafted new social media guidelines to aid new page admins and attended various online Pirate gatherings, including a recent Pride event organized by the USPP.

We agreed to recheck and ensure someone actively monitors ECOSOC announcements, because in the past we routinely received invitations to submit policy papers and these stopped arriving. We encourage the entire community to follow UN events and let us know when there is an event or opportunity to contribute to a policy debate that is relevant to us.

Thumbnail ImagePicture with description "Person creating a calendar with adhesive notes on a blackboard" is in the center, 1st text starting with "Mark Your Calendars for..." is on the top and 2nd text "Pirate Beer Coming Soon!" is on the bottom. Picture with description "Descending dots pattern" is in the background. 1st text font color is black and 2nd text font color is white.

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