75 years – Universal Declaration of Human Rights – we declare:

75 years – Universal Declaration of Human Rights – we declare:

75 years after the promulgation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [1], as a pirate movement, we renew our commitment to the defense and promotion of the rights established in the 1948 text and the treaties that have followed, which enshrine the ethical minimums we want for all people, communities and countries. We reinforce our work to overthrow all discrimination and subjugation of human […]

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ECHR: Network blocking in Russia violates human rights

ECHR: Network blocking in Russia violates human rights

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR/ECtHR) in its judgment recognized the practice of blocking in Russia as incompatible with Articles 10 (the right to freedom of expression) and 13 (the right to a fair trial) of the European Charter of Human Rights. Gregory Engels, Representative for International Cooperation and City Councillor of the Pirate Party of Germany in Offenbach, has brought an action before […]

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