ANNOUNCEMENT: PPI General Assembly January 2022!

Dear Pirates,
It’s that time again! As we move into the final stretch of this year, it is time to start preparing for our main General Assembly of the year.
Due to problems finding suitable dates in December this year, we are pleased to announce that the PPI General Assembly will take place on January 8th and 9th of 2022.
Our last GA was on July 3rd and it was only one day long. This next GA will need to be 2 days because will have a much larger agenda. There will be more reports to give as well as elections, in addition to the usual voting on motions and statute amendments, and, of course, accepting new PPI members. Please note that there is no deadline for registering delegates or submitting motions or nominations, but the deadline for submitting statute amendments and submitting a membership application to PPI is 4 weeks before the GA, which, in this case, is December 11th 2021 at 23:59 IDLW time.
We will need nominations for the following positions in PPI:
-one vice-chairperson
-three board members
-two alternate board members
-up to six Court of Arbitration members
-three lay auditors
Please register your delegates by emailing the PPI board: You can submit your Motions, Statute Amendments and nominations for PPI positions on the following Discourse forum, where we also encourage you to discuss and debate submissions leading up to the event:
We will meet on Mumble, just like at the previous GA:, port 64738. If you are new to this and have never used Mumble, you can download it here:
Scroll down and click on the room “PPI Board,” and then another room called “Online GA.” This is where we will meet. PPI Board members will be in there at least an hour beforehand for last-minute registration and to help you with anything you might need before we start.
Last but not least, we will of course have a social event on the Friday before the GA, January 7th. Details on specific times for both the GA and the Friday social will come later.
We look forward to meeting with you again, reflecting on the past year and making plans for the future. Please don’t hesitate to contact us by email with any questions or comments.
Best wishes,
PPI Board 2021