General Assembly THIS WEEKEND! Here is everything you need to know.

Hello Pirates,
As you all know, this weekend (Saturday, January 8th and Sunday, January 9th) is the PPI General Assembly! We are very much looking forward to meeting with all of you again and having a productive and FUN weekend!
If you haven’t already, please register your delegates by emailing the PPI Board: You can register at the last minute if you choose, but it is much easier for all of us if this is done in advance. Each PPI member is permitted up to 6 delegates.
Please submit your motions and nominations for PPI Officers on the Discourse forum: There are no statute amendment proposals for this GA. As for nominations, there will be elections for the following positions:
-1 Vice-Chairperson
-3 Board Members
-2 Alternate Board Members
-up to 6 Court of Arbitration Members
-3 Lay Auditors
The General Assembly will take place on the PPI Mumble Server:, port 64738. Scroll down and click on the room “PPI Board,” and then another room called “Online GA.” This is where we will meet. PPI Board members will be in there at least an hour beforehand for last-minute registration and to help you with anything you might need before we start. If you have never used Mumble, you can download it here:
We will start the General Assembly at 10:00 UTC/11:00 CET on both Saturday and Sunday. A complete proposed agenda will be posted on the Discourse forum before the end of this week.
Lastly, we invite you to join us this Friday, January 7th from 20:00 UTC/21:00 CET onward for a pre-GA informal hangout. This will take place in the PPI BigBlueButton room where we hold our monthly social events:
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or suggestions you might have for the GA.
See you this weekend!
PPI Board