INVITE: Pirate Aid for Ukraine

Dear Pirates,
The PPI Board invites all of our members to join in a discussion and planning session around Pirate Aid for Ukraine.
We would like to bring everyone together to coordinate our efforts on an international level to support Ukrainian refugees in a number of ways. This includes donations for medical supplies, food, travel expenses, as well as information sharing and infrastructure to support access to information. These are only a few examples of what is currently needed and what will be needed in the future. We would also like to support the efforts of people and organizations who are already on the ground in Ukraine, including the Chair of Pirate Party Norway, Svein Mork Dahl who will be present at the meeting to share his knowledge and experience at the Polish-Ukrainian border.
We do not need to explain the devastating consequences of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the effects of imperialism, militaristic aggression and displacement. Regardless of any political disagreements or complexities around the Ukrainian-Russian war…it is important to remember that real people are being killed, losing loved ones and having life as they know it completely destroyed. It is part of our values as Pirates to care about human rights, to stand in solidarity with those who are oppressed, to oppose war, and to do everything we can to support those who are most impacted by this war such as Ukrainian refugees who are stuck at the border or actively relocating to other countries.
The meeting will take place this Friday, March 11th at 19:00 UTC/20:00 CET in the PPI Big Blue Button room:
Please join the meeting and be a part of this effort. Bring your ideas. We encourage all of our members to contribute anything you possibly can. No matter how small, every contribution will have an impact. Please forward this invite to anyone you think might be interested. The more the merrier.
We look forward to seeing you there.
PPI Board