#Pirates4Ukraine: An International Pirate Campaign to support Ukrainian Refugees

Pirate Parties International in collaboration with various PPI members are pleased to announce the official start of the ‘Pirates 4 Ukraine’ campaign.
Pirates all over the world are devastated and angered by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the resulting humanitarian disaster, and the violence and repression towards both Ukrainians and anti-war activists in Russia.
One of our brave colleagues and Chair of the Pirate Party of Norway, Svein Mork Dahl, is spending time at the Polish-Ukrainian border delivering aid to those who need it. This aid comes in a number of forms, be it food, housing, transportation, information and anything you might think of as being necessary for everyday survival. One of the most important of these is medicine and other medical supplies. Svein himself is a trained medic and is focusing particularly on acquiring and delivering medical necessities.
As an international community we are joining our efforts to raise funds in order to assist our colleague Svein in being able to provide support to those who are fleeing Ukraine as well as Russia and trying to relocate to other countries.
We are asking that you and anyone you know, if you are able, to please donate to our ‘Pirates for Ukraine’ fund. 100% of all funds will be transferred directly to Svein, who we have complete trust in to put it to good use. Svein will provide regular reports on which supplies were acquired and where they were distributed, in addition to updates about the situation and what he witnesses on the ground.
We must always remember that when the rich and powerful go to war, the biggest victims are civilians, every day people, our friends and families and colleagues who have nothing to do with the power games being played by men in suits who think they own the world. That is where Pirates are choosing to step in, by providing practical support to refugees and those on the ground who need it the most.
We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and refugees who are fleeing the country due to this war. We also express our support for the Russian people who are opposing the war, many of whom are facing consequences for protesting it as well as those who are trying to leave Russia.
Donating to Pirates4Ukraine is simple. Just follow this link and donate with your currency of choice either through PayPal or with your credit or debit card: piraten.link/donate
We thank you in advance for your support!
Pirates4Ukraine Team