Pirate Parties International General Assembly, July 29th
About half a year has passed since our last GA, and we are ready for the 2023 PPI Summer GA! This will be an entirely online GA. At the last board meeting we decided to hold the next GA on Saturday, July 29th. We will start at 08:00 UTC, which is 10:00 CEST.
This GA will focus on discussing various proposals. Election of new PPI officers will take place in the following Winter GA, so we will be focusing primarily on updates and proposals. If needed we will extend the meeting on Sunday, but hopefully we can finish the meeting in one day.
The meeting will take place tentatively on the PPI Mumble server: https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=Mumble
World.svg PPI Server
Title: Pirate Parties International
Address: mumble.ppi.rocks
Port: 64738 (standard)
Username: free choice, no spaces
The agenda will be added to our Discourse: https://ga.pp-international.net/
If you have any statute amendments or new member applications, please make sure that you send them to the board by July 1st. If you have any other motions or any other business, feel free to bring them up before the meeting, and you are free to propose them at the meeting itself.
It is very important that we make quorum, so please delegate your vote to another member if you cannot come to the event. Please also forward this message to other PPI members. Delegates should be announced to the board prior to the start of the GA. Each member may have up to 6 delegates. Others are welcome to attend without voting. Rules of the GA can be reviewed on the Wiki: https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=Rules_of_procedure
We hope that many of you can attend, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Good luck to us on having a successful event!