2023 Winter GA Updates

2023 Winter GA Updates

Ahoy Pirates,

The 2023 Winter GA will be held on December 9th at 12 pm UTC.

The meeting will take place on the PPI Mumble server: https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=Mumble (see details below)

The primary outlet for sharing information for the GA is on our Discourse: https://ga.pp-international.net/c/december-2023-ga/33


To Guests: You are welcome to sit in and listen. If you would like to have time to make a presentation or share information, please let us know, and we will do our best to provide you with time.


To Interested New Members: You can apply to become an ordinary member, observer member, or individual member. The ordinary and observer member applications are due 4 weeks before the GA. Please see the rules on joining: https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=Membership_application


To Members:


We will hold elections for the following positions:

  • 1 Vice Chairperson
  • 3 Board Members
  • Alternate Board Members (no limit)
  • Up to 3 Lay Auditors
  • Up to 6 Court of Arbitration members

Please, submit your nominations by sending an email to the board or adding them to the GA platform: https://ga.pp-international.net/t/election-of-officers/450


Statute Amendments

Statute amendments are due 4 weeks in advance.


Other Motions

Other motions and any other business can be presented at any time, but please try to share information in advance on Discourse.



Members, it is very important that we make quorum, so please delegate your vote to another member if you cannot come to the event.

Each member may have up to 6 delegates. Others are welcome to attend without voting.

Rules of the GA can be reviewed on the Wiki: https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=Rules_of_procedure


We hope that many of you can attend, and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Good luck to us on having a successful event!


Mumble Details

World.svg PPI Server
Title: Pirate Parties International
Address: mumble.ppi.rocks
Port: 64738 (standard)
Username: free choice, no spaces