A recent article in the German Pirate affiliated Flaschenpost newspaper by Markus Schaub entitled “The working structure of BDS” describes a hierarchical and centrally coordinated movement with ties to terrorist groups. This image stands in contrast to the grassroots campaign many associate with BDS.
Within the Pirate Party movement, there is a notable divide. Many Pirates see BDS as a tool for Palestinian advocacy, an expression of civil disobedience, a legitimate form of protest against genuine attrocities of the Israeli government… Another contingent of our supporters, as depicted in Markus Schaub’s exposé, equate BDS’s goal as the extermination of Jews in Israel, the whitewashing of Hamas’s atrocities, an extension of Palestinian militant ideology… This presents a conundrum.
Most organizations would shy away from confronting such a point of contention within the organization, but Pirates are not afraid to discuss dangerous topics.
Overall, our movement believes that excluding others is not the ideal way to resolve a conflict. A boycott-driven approach, by its nature, excludes. So, we particularly worry that outside forces attempt to exclude moderate Israelis and Palestinians who are essential for any sustainable peace process. Increasing international involvement in the region will lead to greater adherence to international norms and prosperity. Rather than supporting boycotts that polarize discourse, the Pirate movement should advocate for more dialogue between Israelis, Palestinians, and all people. We hope that our organization can be a bridge for positive communication.
We don’t associate all Palestinians with Hamas, and we don’t associate all Israelis with the IDF. At the end of the day we’re all just people trying to survive while our governments do whatever they want at the expense of innocents who have done nothing wrong. We must not dehumanize an entire population, whether they are Jewish, Muslim, or any religion, ethnicity, gender, subculture… We can be critical of the ruling forces in Israel and Palestine, but we should be mindful that boycotting an entire country stifles the activities of the opposition.
Well said!