Alexei Navalny Condolence Statement from Pirate Party of Russia

Alexei Navalny Condolence Statement from Pirate Party of Russia

The following is a translation of the statement from the Pirate Party of Russia about Alexei Navalny. For those of you who can read Russian, you can find the original post here: Russian pirates participated with Alexei Navalny at the Internet Freedom Conference on December 7, 2019. You can find a video of his speech at that conference here: 1125 days in jail […]

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Joint Statement by European Pirates and Pirate Parties International on Putin’s Aggression Against Ukraine

Joint Statement by European Pirates and Pirate Parties International on Putin’s Aggression Against Ukraine

The Pirates of Europe and the world strongly condemn the actions taken by Vladimir Putin. It’s with deep sorrow that we watch the events in Ukraine unfold, and our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine, those suffering the consequences of this conflict, and those opposing the war inside of Russia. We hope for a swift and peaceful resolution to this conflict, and for the […]

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ECHR: Network blocking in Russia violates human rights

ECHR: Network blocking in Russia violates human rights

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR/ECtHR) in its judgment recognized the practice of blocking in Russia as incompatible with Articles 10 (the right to freedom of expression) and 13 (the right to a fair trial) of the European Charter of Human Rights. Gregory Engels, Representative for International Cooperation and City Councillor of the Pirate Party of Germany in Offenbach, has brought an action before […]

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