Dear Pirates,
As we move further into 2021 we believe it is time for our mid-year General Assembly. We would like the opportunity to meet with our members and check in with one another about what we have been up to since the end of last year.
We are excited to invite you to our early-Summer General Assembly, which will take place on Saturday, July 3rd, 2021!
The event will begin at 09:00 UTC (11:00 CEST) and will be held entirely online using Mumble, just like last time:, port 64738. Scroll down and click on the room “PPI Board,” and then another room called “Online GA.” This will be our meeting spot.
Because this GA is happening midway through the year, it will only be one day long and will not include elections of PPI officers. We will have board and financial reports, acceptance of new members, statute amendments and motions.
Please submit your membership applications, statute amendments and motions through our Discourse forum: The deadline to submit statute amendments and membership applications is one month before the GA, Saturday June 5th. There is no deadline to submit motions.
We encourage you to use the forum not only to submit things but also to engage in discussions with each other about the various submissions.
Each PPI member may have up to 6 registered delegates attend the GA. Please register your delegates as soon as possible by posting on Discourse or emailing the PPI board: There is no limit on attendance.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us.
We look forward to meeting with you all!
PPI Board