Invite: Introduction to PPI Standing Committees

Invite: Introduction to PPI Standing Committees

Dear Pirates,

You are hereby invited to join Pirate Parties International for our first working group event of the year, “Introduction to PPI Standing Committees”.

We felt that before we start getting the Standing Committees going again, it would be a good idea to have an introductory session first. There are currently 5 PPI Standing Committees and as a group we will go through each one, explain its focus and have a discussion around what its individual tasks and goals should be. We hope that Pirates from the international community will actually join each committee and take control of its direction, as opposed to the board setting up individual sessions like before.

The idea is that, for example, if you decide to join the SCENE committee focusing on media and public relations, you and the others who have joined will decide as a team how to run the committee, when to meet and how often, as well as delegating tasks amongst the group. PPI Board members will still attend these meetings and participate as always, but we hope to give more control to the membership as ultimately you are the ones meant to benefit from the committees.

The Introduction to PPI Standing Committees will take place as follows:

When: Monday, February 21st @ 22:00 UTC/23:00 CET/17:00 EST

Where: BigBlueButton

We are excited for the year ahead and we look forward to working with you to strengthen and unite the Pirate movement!


PPI Board