2024 UNOG Participation

We are thrilled to share that Pirate Parties International has once again secured ground passes, allowing our representatives to participate at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland (UNOG). We also have a team on the ground at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and will be sharing a separate blog about their activities soon. Furthermore, we are working now on getting a team together to participate at the UN Office in Vienna (UNOV). Our volunteer team is making an impact by attending events, making statements, and networking with other NGOs, International Organizations, and nation-states. We are standing up for Pirate values on this global platform.
We are particularly proud of our colleague, Carlos Polo, who has been a leader for our team of representatives at the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG). His consistent presence has been awesome. Recently Carlos and our UNOG team participated in the E-Week events from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
They also attended the HNPW Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships events organized by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, UNESCO gatherings, the WTO Ministerial Conference, International Labor Organization sessions, AI for Good events, World Health Organization (WHO) events, The Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy, as well as sessions focusing on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) progress.
At the UN we engage in meetings to drive policy on diverse subjects, including technology and innovation, creative commons, and open knowledge developments. These areas are key to the values and objectives of Pirate parties.
We hope many Pirates will attend UNOG events in 2024 to support our shared values of transparency, inclusivity, and digital rights. If you would like to be involved in our UN activities, please let us know by writing to the board or participating in our upcoming UN Working Group meeting on Thursday, Feb. 8th at 20:00 UTC at https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPI-Board. You can also mail the board if you would like to be involved: board@pp-international.net