PPI attends the UN Virtual Worlds Day

PPI attends the UN Virtual Worlds Day

PPI attended the inaugural UN Virtual Worlds Day. A big thanks to our representative Carlos Polo and his colleagues at UNOG for attending the event on our behalf. The event was hosted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The event explored the transformative potential of the metaverse, from immersive VR experiences to discussions on spatial computing. They questioned how virtual technologies can foster international cooperation […]

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PPI Attends The World Summit on the Information Society

PPI Attends The World Summit on the Information Society

PPI recently attended The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) +20 Forum High-Level Event 2024 from 27 to 31 May 2024. This is a UN summit held in Geneva. The current event marked the summit’s 20th anniversary. The WSIS aims to bridge the digital divide by increasing internet accessibility in developing countries. The event was co-organized by several United Nations organizations including ITU, UNESCO, […]

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Pirates at the UNHQ Partnership Forum in NY

Pirates at the UNHQ Partnership Forum in NY

On January 30, 2024 PPI’s representatives Ohad Shem Tov and Ohad Bar Siman Tov attended the United Nations Headquarters in New York for the Partnership Forum of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The forum addressed the critical theme of “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient, and innovative solutions.” https://ecosoc.un.org/en/events/2024/ecosoc-partnership-forum The 2024 ECOSOC […]

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2024 UNOG Participation

2024 UNOG Participation

We are thrilled to share that Pirate Parties International has once again secured ground passes, allowing our representatives to participate at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland (UNOG). We also have a team on the ground at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and will be sharing a separate blog about their activities soon. Furthermore, we are working now on getting a team […]

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Next Board Meeting Tuesday, Feb 13th at 14:00 UTC and United Nations Working Group Meeting

Next Board Meeting Tuesday, Feb 13th at 14:00 UTC and United Nations Working Group Meeting

Ahoy Pirates, PPI’s next board meeting will take place on JTuesday, Feb 13th at 14:00 UTC. Everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting will take place on Jitsi: https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPI-Board We also announce that we will have a UN Working Group Meeting (AKA SCUBA). This meeting will take place on Thursday, Feb. 8th at 20:00 UTC. We will also old the meeting in our PPI Jitsi: […]

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Invitation to PPI‘s Standing Committee on UN Bureaucratic Activities (SCUBA) on Sunday 23rd, 22:00 CEST, Followed by the Pirate Beer Social Event

Invitation to PPI‘s Standing Committee on UN Bureaucratic Activities (SCUBA) on Sunday 23rd, 22:00 CEST, Followed by the Pirate Beer Social Event

On Sunday, April 23 at 22:00 CEST PPI  will be holding a SCUBA meeting (Standing Committee on UN Bureaucratic Activities followed by the Pirate Beer social event. We will discuss an upcoming IGF call for proposals and other UN activities. Immediately after the meeting we will transition to our routine Pirate Beer social event. Earlier the same day we also have the board meeting. The […]

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New UN Convention on Countering the misuse of ICT for Criminal Purposes

New UN Convention on Countering the misuse of ICT for Criminal Purposes

Pirate Participation on the Work of the United Nations’ Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of ICT for Criminal Purposes This article is meant to inform you on the progress of creation of a new UN convention, whose goal it is to standardise member states’ approach to cybercrime and lay foundation to processes that will help fight forms […]

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The right to privacy in the digital age – Call for Volunteers

The right to privacy in the digital age – Call for Volunteers

There is a call for papers from the UN for a report on “the right to privacy in the digital age” – Deadline: 9 April 2018. We would appreciate any assistance towards submitting a 2500 word document. Let’s crowdsource and try to make the deadline. A copy of the full call for papers is available at: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/DigitalAge/Pages/ReportPrivacy.aspx Please try to think of literature or empirical […]

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