Eight years! – Pirate Parties International

Eight years! – Pirate Parties International

Eight years! – Pirate Parties International What a long trip it has been since the creation of PPI eight years ago! So many people voluntereed and contributed to the development of this unique global NGO. The current board would like to acknowledge and thank everyone for their contributions and their work towards the development of PPI. Where are we at 8 years later? PPI has […]

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Letter from the Pirate Party of Slovenia – Pirate conference and upcoming election

Letter from the Pirate Party of Slovenia – Pirate conference and upcoming election

Hello fellow Pirates! Slovenia is holding parliamentary elections on the 27th of May or 3rd of June! There will be a referendum about the construction of a railroad line (don’t ask) just before that – on May 13th. The Pirates will naturally be running on this election. We’re poling at 3.5% (the threshold for entering the parliament is 4%) and our polling agent tells us […]

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Pirate Party of Europe – Congratulations

Pirate Party of Europe – Congratulations

After some troublesome years for the Pirate Party of Europe good news come this year. After trying to get registered as an entity for years the efforts of the newly elected board had been rewarded. The Pirate Party of Europe is finally registered in Luxembourg. We congratulate the board for this great achievement and we are sure this has been the first succesfull step of […]

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UPDATE: Final Preparations for PPI General Assembly Tomorrow

UPDATE: Final Preparations for PPI General Assembly Tomorrow

Hello, fellow Pirates! The PPI board has been finishing last-minute preparation for this weekend’s General Assembly, and everything is almost in place. We are very much looking forward to connecting with all of you. Through your motions and statute proposals we will make changes to the functioning of PPI itself. You will also be able to nominate anyone you like for board positions, including vice-chair […]

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Press Release: Czech Pirates Celebrate Success in Parliamentary Elections

Press Release: Czech Pirates Celebrate Success in Parliamentary Elections

Here is the English press release about the Czech Elections from the Czech Pirate Party. It was shared by Markéta Gregorová, PPCZ’s International Coordinator who encourages us all to share far and wide, as well as re-publish on our websites. The original document can be found here:  https://pad.pirati.cz/p/r.f4c24297d92282acd042249cc75e59ca The Pirates recorded a historic success. With 10.79% of the vote in elections to the lower chamber […]

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Congratulations Czech Pirate Party!

Congratulations Czech Pirate Party!

PPI extends heartfelt congratulations to our friends at the Czech Pirate Party, who achieved a phenomenal result in the 2017 national Czech legislative elections. The Czech Pirate Party won 10.79% of the vote and is now the third largest party in the country! Pirates are a global movement, and the Czech Pirate Party has been a great contributor towards the movement. They hosted the 2012 […]

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ANNOUNCEMENT: PPI General Assembly 2017

ANNOUNCEMENT: PPI General Assembly 2017

Greetings Pirates and Concerned Citizens of the World We hereby announce that the second 2017 GA will be held on November 25th and 26th. Further details about the GA are outlined below. We encourage member parties to send us a list of delegates. This will be a hybrid General Assembly, meaning that the majority of participants will participate online. We look forward to seeing you […]

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Pirate Parties worldwide support Catalan Pirates against censorship

Pirate Parties worldwide support Catalan Pirates against censorship

Common press release of Pirate Parties worldwide Català Español Français Svenska Český Deutsch Nederlands English Türkçe العربية русский язык We, the Pirate Parties and NGOs of the Pirate movement around the world, express our solidarity with the Catalan Pirates whose websites about the Referendum of Self Determination campaign and the use of Tor are currently being censored by the Spanish authorities. Additionally, we express our […]

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Introducing PPI Zoom meetings – taking collaboration to a new level

Introducing PPI Zoom meetings – taking collaboration to a new level

Pirate Parties International’s mission statement points towards us attempting to help our members cooperate between countries and continents. We also focus strongly on transparency in our own operation. Therefore we have decided to test out a technical platform that brings us together despite the number of miles between us. We have chosen to start using Zoom.us video conference solution. Zoom has video, audio, blackboard, chat, […]

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#HowTo Mumble with Pirates and Activists in PPI

#HowTo Mumble with Pirates and Activists in PPI

For our online meetings we use a program called Mumble. Mumble is open source voice chat software. Once you have installed this program on your computer or mobile device you can login to a server. Here you will see a list of rooms in which you can meet other people to talk with. If you have no mic, don’t worry, because Mumble also has a text chat channel.

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