All are welcome to PPI’s monthly board meeting Tuesday, October 25th. Find us at BigBlueButton. An audio alternative is @PiratesOnAir’s live stream. Meeting times are: 05:00 am EST 09:00 am UTC 11:00 am CET
All are welcome to PPI’s monthly board meeting Tuesday, October 25th. Find us at BigBlueButton. An audio alternative is @PiratesOnAir’s live stream. Meeting times are: 05:00 am EST 09:00 am UTC 11:00 am CET
Dear Pirates, We are pleased to invite you to the final Pirate Parties International General Assembly of 2022. This will take place on both Saturday, December 10th and Sunday, December 11th. As usual the event will take place predominently online using Mumble, however, there is an optional physical element this time. Our General Secretary has booked the Pirate Centre in Prague for the weekend and […]
All are welcome to PPI’s monthly board meeting, Tuesday, October 4th. Find us at BigBlueButton. An audio alternative is @PiratesOnAir’s live stream. Meeting times are: 16:00pm EST 20:00pm UTC 22:00pm CEST
All are welcome to PPI’s monthly board meeting Tuesday, June 21st. Find us at BigBlueButton. An audio alternative is @PiratesOnAir’s live stream. Meeting times are: 05:00am EST 09:00am UTC 11:00am CEST
All are welcome to PPI’s monthly board meeting, Tuesday, June 21st. Find us at BigBlueButton. An audio alternative is @PiratesOnAir’s live stream. Meeting times are: 16:00pm EST 20:00pm UTC 22:00pm CEST
Hello Pirates, Hope you are all doing well. We have a General Assembly this weekend! That is this Saturday, July 2nd. The event will start at 9:00 UTC/11:00 CEST/5:00 EDT. We will be meeting on the PPI Mumble Server: in the room ‘Online GA’. Mumble is an audio chat tool and if you’ve never used it before, you can download it for free here: […]
All are welcome to PPI’s monthly board meeting Tuesday, June 21st. Find us at BigBlueButton. An audio alternative is @PiratesOnAir’s live stream. Meeting times are: 05:00am EST 09:00am UTC 11:00am CEST
All are welcome to PPI’s monthly board meeting Tuesday, May 31st. Find us at BigBlueButton. An audio alternative is @PiratesOnAir’s live stream. Meeting times are: 16:00pm EST 20:00pm UTC 22:00pm CEST
Dear Pirates, We are pleased to invite you to the mid-year General Assembly of Pirate Parties International, which will take place on Saturday, July 2nd, 2022! As you know, we have been keeping the habit of having 2 GAs per term, our last one being in January which marked the end of the previous term. This upcoming GA will be one day long and will […]
Pirate Parties International in collaboration with various PPI members are pleased to announce the official start of the ‘Pirates 4 Ukraine’ campaign. Pirates all over the world are devastated and angered by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the resulting humanitarian disaster, and the violence and repression towards both Ukrainians and anti-war activists in Russia. One of our brave colleagues and Chair of the Pirate Party […]