Monthly Meetings for International Coordination and Activism!

Monthly Meetings for International Coordination and Activism!

Hello Pirates! As you will recall if you were at the last PPI General Assembly back in April, there was a discussion about how we really need to meet more regularly. It’s nice to have GAs once in a while, but they’re really not useful when it comes to doing activism together. We need to have regular meetings in order to be able to plan […]

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PPI in Support of #PiratesforIceland

PPI in Support of #PiratesforIceland

      Geneva, Switzerland, October 29th, 2016 – This Saturday, October 29th, 2016 is election day in Iceland. As it currently stands, the Pirate Party is polling at 24%, meaning that over 1 in 5 voters are likely to vote Pirate. They are ahead of all the other political parties, including their main opposition, the Independence Party.    Regardless of who ends up in […]

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An Update from the PPI Board!

An Update from the PPI Board!

Greetings, fellow Pirates! Since July’s General Assembly (GA), the board has been working on mostly logistical and administrative tasks that will help PPI run smoothly in the long term. We’ve also been brainstorming and planning for the future; discussing projects, political activism, and devising ways to support Pirates around the world. So far we have had six meetings on Mumble. These meetings are always open […]

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