PPI Board Meeting on March 5th at 20:00 UTC, AI Working Group on Feb. 24th at 20:00 UTC

PPI Board Meeting on March 5th at 20:00 UTC, AI Working Group on Feb. 24th at 20:00 UTC

PPI Board Meeting The next PPI Board Meeting will take place on March 5, 2024 at 20:00 UTC. Everyone is welcome to attend. We will be discussing recent working groups, UN activities, and other important issues. The board meeting will take place as usual on Jitsi:  https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPI-Board During the last meeting we had some difficulties on Jitsi, so we switched back to BBB: https://bbb.piratensommer.de/b/gre-cnw-a9v Please […]

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Pirate Security Conference in Munich On February 17-18, 2024

Pirate Security Conference in Munich On February 17-18, 2024

The Quantum Jump in Technology and Geopolitics Sa. 17. Feb. 2024 10:00 – So. 18. Feb. 2024 17:00 CET Please see further details on the conference’s website: https://events.pirate-secon.net/en/the-pirate-security-conference-2024/ PPI is happy to continue its support of the Pirate Security Conference in Munich. The local organizing team of Alexander Kohler, Anja Hirschel, Sebastian Krone, Denk Selbst, and their Crew have done a great job of keeping […]

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75 years – Universal Declaration of Human Rights – we declare:

75 years – Universal Declaration of Human Rights – we declare:

75 years after the promulgation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [1], as a pirate movement, we renew our commitment to the defense and promotion of the rights established in the 1948 text and the treaties that have followed, which enshrine the ethical minimums we want for all people, communities and countries. We reinforce our work to overthrow all discrimination and subjugation of human […]

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Dec. 6, 8, and 9th PPI Board, Beer, GA Links

Dec. 6, 8, and 9th PPI Board, Beer, GA Links

Ahoy! We announce the big events in early December: Board Meeting, Pirate Beer, and the GA. On Wednesday, December 6th  at 21:00 UTC, we will have an early PPI Board Meeting: Add to calendar This event will take place on Jitsi: https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPI-Board On Friday, December 8th at 21:00 UTC, we will have a special Pre-GA Pirate Beer meeting. Pirate beer meetings have been known to last for many hours, […]

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Nov. 15th PPI Board Meeting and GA Updates

Nov. 15th PPI Board Meeting and GA Updates

Ahoy Pirates, The next PPI board meeting is scheduled for November 15th at 05:00 UTC. Where: https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPI-Board Please feel free to add comments for the board on our Discourse: https://ga.pp-international.net/c/ppiboard/ You can read about our last board meeting here: https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=PPI_Minutes_2023-10-11 A main topic of the meeting will be the upcoming Winter General Assembly (GA) that will take place on December 9th, starting at 12:00 UTC. You […]

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Statement from Pirate Party of Israel on the Hamas Massacre of October 7th and the Gaza-Israel War

Statement from Pirate Party of Israel on the Hamas Massacre of October 7th and the Gaza-Israel War

At sunrise on October 7th, thousands of participants at the peaceful NOVA music festival were brutally attacked and massacred by Hamas terrorists, resulting in over 260 butchered, and hundreds shot and injured. As an after-party, thousands of Hamas militants continued to carry out brutal massacres, torturing and mutilating bodies across civilian populations bordering the Gaza strip, killing men, women, children and pets indiscriminately. All this […]

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2023 Winter GA Updates

2023 Winter GA Updates

Ahoy Pirates, The 2023 Winter GA will be held on December 9th at 12 pm UTC. The meeting will take place on the PPI Mumble server: https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=Mumble (see details below) The primary outlet for sharing information for the GA is on our Discourse: https://ga.pp-international.net/c/december-2023-ga/33   To Guests: You are welcome to sit in and listen. If you would like to have time to make a […]

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Call For Assistance to Help Secure the Release of Elizabeth Tsurkov Who Has Been Held Captive in Iraq for 6 Months

Call For Assistance to Help Secure the Release of Elizabeth Tsurkov Who Has Been Held Captive in Iraq for 6 Months

Elizabeth Tsurkov was kidnapped in March 2023 in Iraq. Elizabeth volunteered together with PPI’s General Secretary and other Pirates to assist refugees in the Middle East, albeit with no direct connection to the Pirate movement. She might be surprised herself to hear that PPI has issued this call to assist her, but owing to the failure of formal diplomatic channels we might represent one of […]

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October 11th Board Meeting and Rescheduled Winter GA on December 9th

October 11th Board Meeting and Rescheduled Winter GA on December 9th

Ahoy Pirates, The next board meeting is scheduled for October 11th at 21:00 UTC. Where: https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPI-Board Please feel free to add comments for the board on our Discourse: https://ga.pp-international.net/c/ppiboard/ At the last board meeting we also decided that the Winter General Assembly (GA) will take place on December 9th, starting at 12:00 UTC. If needed we will schedule an extra day on December 10th, but our goal […]

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Public Statement from Pirate Party of Chile on the 50th Anniversary of the 1973 Coup d’Etat in Chile

Public Statement from Pirate Party of Chile on the 50th Anniversary of the 1973 Coup d’Etat in Chile

September 11, 2023. Fifty years after the bombing of La Moneda and the beginning of a terrorist dictatorship led by the military and right-wing civilians, the Pirate Party of Chile, along with condemning the events that occurred five decades ago, the seventeen years of horror, the thousands of human rights violations and the permanent obstruction to the clarification of the facts, the timely action of […]

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