LIVE Presidential Election Night coverage brought to you by the United States and Massachusetts Pirate Parties on Tuesday, November 3rd!

LIVE Presidential Election Night coverage brought to you by the United States and Massachusetts Pirate Parties on Tuesday, November 3rd!

November 3rd Election Night start time begins at: 8:00pm EST / 1:00am UTC / 2:00am CET   UPDATE There’s a new streaming link for the election night coverage tonight brought by @USPirates and @MassPirates. When they had tested the stream link before, it had counted as having been recorded which got it to be automatically deleted. James tells me all links now including on the […]

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The Pirate Party Luxembourg @Piratepartei has started a fundraiser to help the refugees in Moria.

The Pirate Party Luxembourg @Piratepartei has started a fundraiser to help the refugees in Moria.

Two months ago fires destroyed Greece’s largest migrant camp on the island of Lesbos leaving nearly 13,000 without shelter. Gilles from @Piratepartei sent this to the PPEU Mattermost on October 26th: Hello everybody, FYI: PPLU has started an action together with the ONG Boderline Europe to help refugees in Moria (Greece). The collected funds will be used to buy warm clothes (essentially good shoes and […]

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The @MassPirates Party Conference is November 14th – 15th! Please notify MassPirates by Friday, October 30th, if you’re attending, if you’re interested in presenting or participating in a panel.

The @MassPirates Party Conference is November 14th – 15th! Please notify MassPirates by Friday, October 30th, if you’re attending, if you’re interested in presenting or participating in a panel.

@MassPirates‘ annual Party Conference will be Saturday, November 14th and Sunday, November 15th. The conference will be virtual. It will focus on planning, expanding their platform and organizing how-tos. There will be lightning talks and a number of discussions and panels. Registration is free and they encourage anyone who is interested in the Pirate Party to attend. Register here. Panel discussions will be live streamed […]

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@PiratePartyUK to Close Down

@PiratePartyUK to Close Down

On August 30th, Pirate Party UK announced their plans to hold a vote on whether or not to dissolve their Party: Dear Party members, It is with great sadness that we have reached the conclusion that PPUK has run out of steam. We hope that this will not be a permanent situation, but for the time being we think that there is not enough interest […]

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Register your delegates early for this year’s Online General Assembly. And a pre-GA tech test will be held November 6th.

Register your delegates early for this year’s Online General Assembly.  And a pre-GA tech test will be held November 6th.

Please register your delegates early by emailing the PPI board at Submit motions, statute amendments and nominations for PPI positions on our Discourse forum. There will be a technical test on November 6th to see if BigBlueButton will work for a General Assembly. It’s important that all of our members send at least one delegate to this test. We would like to invite you […]

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Invite: SCULL Meeting #4, Internal Party Structure and Management

Invite: SCULL Meeting #4, Internal Party Structure and Management

Hello again, Pirates! It’s time for another SCULL meeting, aka, the PPI Standing Committee on Universal Liason on Party Labour! We happily invite you to the 4th SCULL meeting this year. When: Wednesday, October 14th, 2020 at 18:30 UTC/20:30 CEST/14:30 EDT. Where: Big Blue Button We look forward to continuing the conversation about the everyday work that goes into running a Pirate Party. In […]

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Standing Committee on Universal Liason on Party Labour (SCULL), Meeting #3 – Democracy Tools

Standing Committee on Universal Liason on Party Labour (SCULL), Meeting #3 – Democracy Tools

Dear Pirates, We are happy to announce the third meeting of the Standing Committee on Universal Liason on Party Labour, aka SCULL!    When: Wednesday, July 22nd at 18:00 UTC/20:00 CEST Where:   If you have been to a SCULL meeting before, you know that this is a standing committee focusing on inter-party cooperation and the day to day work of a running a […]

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Hello Pirates! Just a reminder that TOMORROW, Saturday, May 30th we will be holding our online Spring General Assembly! WOOOOOOO!! You can find a copy of the agenda, as well as proposed statute amendments and motions on Discourse: The GA will take place in the Pirate Party of Norway’s Zoom room, which we will open at 10:00am CEST: We will begin the GA […]

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Invitation to the Standing Committee on External Networking Engagement (SCENE)

Invitation to the Standing Committee on External Networking Engagement (SCENE)

Dear Pirates, It is time to launch yet another standing committee! We happily invite you to the first meeting of the Standing Committee on External Networking Engagement, also known as SCENE.  When: Monday, April 20th, 2020 at 20:20 CEST [yes, really at 20:20, just to switch things up ;)] Where: As the name suggests, the focus of this standing committee is public relations and […]

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Pirates at the UNOG

Pirates at the UNOG

This past week Pirate representatives Alex Kohler and Pat Mächler visited the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) at the United Nations Office At Geneva (UNOG). PPI has an amazing opportunity as a recognized member of the UN Economic and Social Affairs Committee (ECOSOC) to host and attend UN events in NY, Geneva, and around the world. We are working to make a difference by sending […]

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