Register your delegates early for this year’s Online General Assembly. And a pre-GA tech test will be held November 6th.

Register your delegates early for this year’s Online General Assembly.  And a pre-GA tech test will be held November 6th.

Please register your delegates early by emailing the PPI board at Submit motions, statute amendments and nominations for PPI positions on our Discourse forum. There will be a technical test on November 6th to see if BigBlueButton will work for a General Assembly. It’s important that all of our members send at least one delegate to this test. We would like to invite you […]

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ANNOUNCEMENT: PPI General Assembly December 2020

ANNOUNCEMENT: PPI General Assembly December 2020

Dear Pirates, It is almost the end of the year, and thus it is time to start preparing for our final General Assembly of 2020. We are pleased to announce that our end-of-year General Assembly will take place the first weekend of December: Saturday, December 5th and Sunday, December 6th, beginning at 10:00 UTC/11:00 CET both days. The communication channel will be open from 09:00 […]

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Invite: SCULL Meeting #4, Internal Party Structure and Management

Invite: SCULL Meeting #4, Internal Party Structure and Management

Hello again, Pirates! It’s time for another SCULL meeting, aka, the PPI Standing Committee on Universal Liason on Party Labour! We happily invite you to the 4th SCULL meeting this year. When: Wednesday, October 14th, 2020 at 18:30 UTC/20:30 CEST/14:30 EDT. Where: Big Blue Button We look forward to continuing the conversation about the everyday work that goes into running a Pirate Party. In […]

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Invitation: SCURVY meeting #2!

Invitation: SCURVY meeting #2!

Invitation to the Second Meeting of the Pirate Parties International Standing Committee on Usual Requisitions of Various Yields (SCURVY) We would like to invite you to the second meeting of PPI‘s SCURVY to be conducted online, Thursday, August 27th, 2020 from 19:00 – 21:00 CEST in Big Blue Button – Who should attend: international coordinators, finance officers.    We have initiated the SCURVY meetings […]

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Standing Committee on Universal Liason on Party Labour (SCULL), Meeting #3 – Democracy Tools

Standing Committee on Universal Liason on Party Labour (SCULL), Meeting #3 – Democracy Tools

Dear Pirates, We are happy to announce the third meeting of the Standing Committee on Universal Liason on Party Labour, aka SCULL!    When: Wednesday, July 22nd at 18:00 UTC/20:00 CEST Where:   If you have been to a SCULL meeting before, you know that this is a standing committee focusing on inter-party cooperation and the day to day work of a running a […]

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Hello Pirates! Just a reminder that TOMORROW, Saturday, May 30th we will be holding our online Spring General Assembly! WOOOOOOO!! You can find a copy of the agenda, as well as proposed statute amendments and motions on Discourse: The GA will take place in the Pirate Party of Norway’s Zoom room, which we will open at 10:00am CEST: We will begin the GA […]

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Announcement: Spring General Assembly 2020!

Announcement: Spring General Assembly 2020!

Greetings Pirates, A few months have passed since our General Assembly in December. The PPI board, along with the Pirate community at large, have been working hard.  In addition to ongoing projects, regular online meetings and social events, we have increased activities and communication with our members through the launch of 4 standing committees. We are examining the ways that we can provide practical support […]

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The Prague Think Twice Conference, April 24-26

The Prague Think Twice Conference, April 24-26

The title of this year’s Think Twice Conference is Ante Portas (near future technologies and their implications). Below you will find information about speaking at the event, as well as basic information about attending the conference. Think Twice is an international conference organized by Pirate Parties International, Pirate Party of Czechia and MEP Markéta Gregorová of parliamentary group Greens/ EFA. There will be no admission […]

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Invitation to the first Meeting of SCURVY

Invitation to the first Meeting of SCURVY

Invitation to the first Meeting of the Pirate Parties International Standing Committee on Usual Requisitions of Various Yields (SCURVY) We would like to invite you to the first meeting of PPI‘s SCURVY to be conducted online, Sunday February 9, 2020 from 19:00 – 21:00 CET in Zoom – Meeting ID 930 362 7084 Who should attend: international coordinators, finance officers.  We initiate the SCURVY […]

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Invitation to the first Meeting of the Pirate Parties International Standing Committee on Universal Liaison on Party Labor (SCULL)

Invitation to the first Meeting of the Pirate Parties International Standing Committee on Universal Liaison on Party Labor (SCULL)

Invitation to the first Meeting of the Pirate Parties International Standing Committee on Universal Liaison on Party Labor (SCULL) We like to invite you to the first meeting of PPI‘s SCULL to be conducted online, Monday Januar 20 2020 20:00 – 22:00 CET in Zoom – Meeting ID 322 832 033 Password: 082251 who should attend: International Coordinators, IT officers. We initiate the SCULL […]

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