Pirates from All Over Europe Met in Liberec, Czech Republic

Pirates from All Over Europe Met in Liberec, Czech Republic

On the last weekend of April, Pirates from all over Europe (and beyond) met in the city of Liberec, northern Czechia. And what was the reason? The annual General Assembly of the Czech Pirate Party. As part of the event, two debates were organised. On Saturday April 29th, a panel of European politicians got assembled. Moderated by Marcel Kolaja, a Pirate member of European Parliament, […]

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Dear Pirates, We regret to inform you that the upcoming PPI General Assembly, which was originally set to take place this weekend, Saturday December 10th and Sunday December 11th 2022, will be postponed. The General Assembly will now take place during the weekend of January 28th and 29th 2023. We deeply apologize for any stress or inconvenience this may bring to you all. We understand […]

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PPI Update on our Presence at the UN in Geneva in 2022

PPI Update on our Presence at the UN in Geneva in 2022

As an organisation with the observer status with the UN Economic and Social Council, PPI is involved in quite a lot UN meetings. Thanks to our active team in Geneva, Switzerland, headed by our board member Carlos Polo, we manage to maintain our presence at these meeting quite well. Below is just a few recent examples of our participation:   WTO Forum 22 PPI was […]

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INVITE: PPI Winter GA 2022!

INVITE: PPI Winter GA 2022!

Dear Pirates, We are pleased to invite you to the final Pirate Parties International General Assembly of 2022. This will take place on both Saturday, December 10th and Sunday, December 11th. As usual the event will take place predominently online using Mumble, however, there is an optional physical element this time. Our General Secretary has booked the Pirate Centre in Prague for the weekend and […]

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Next PPI board meeting Tuesday, August 23rd

Next PPI board meeting Tuesday, August 23rd

All are welcome to PPI’s monthly board meeting Tuesday, June 21st. Find us at BigBlueButton. An audio alternative is @PiratesOnAir’s live stream. Meeting times are: 05:00am EST 09:00am UTC 11:00am CEST

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Reminder: PPI General Assembly This Weekend!

Reminder: PPI General Assembly This Weekend!

Hello Pirates, Hope you are all doing well. We have a General Assembly this weekend! That is this Saturday, July 2nd. The event will start at 9:00 UTC/11:00 CEST/5:00 EDT. We will be meeting on the PPI Mumble Server: mumble.ppi.rocks in the room ‘Online GA’. Mumble is an audio chat tool and if you’ve never used it before, you can download it for free here: […]

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INVITATION: PPI Mid-Year General Assembly!

INVITATION: PPI Mid-Year General Assembly!

Dear Pirates, We are pleased to invite you to the mid-year General Assembly of Pirate Parties International, which will take place on Saturday, July 2nd, 2022! As you know, we have been keeping the habit of having 2 GAs per term, our last one being in January which marked the end of the previous term. This upcoming GA will be one day long and will […]

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Invite: Introduction to PPI Standing Committees

Invite: Introduction to PPI Standing Committees

Dear Pirates, You are hereby invited to join Pirate Parties International for our first working group event of the year, “Introduction to PPI Standing Committees”. We felt that before we start getting the Standing Committees going again, it would be a good idea to have an introductory session first. There are currently 5 PPI Standing Committees and as a group we will go through each […]

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Global Pirates elected new leadership for the coming two years

Global Pirates elected new leadership for the coming two years

January 11th 2022 – Pirate Parties International (PPI), the global umbrella organisation of Pirate Parties around the world, held its 16th General Assembly on Saturday, January 8th, during which new leadership was elected. Every year Pirate Parties from all over the world elect half of PPI’s board. In this weekend’s election, a German Pirate, Gregory Engels, was successfully re-elected as the organisation’s vice-chairman. The chairwoman, […]

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General Assembly THIS WEEKEND! Here is everything you need to know.

General Assembly THIS WEEKEND! Here is everything you need to know.

Hello Pirates, As you all know, this weekend (Saturday, January 8th and Sunday, January 9th) is the PPI General Assembly! We are very much looking forward to meeting with all of you again and having a productive and FUN weekend! If you haven’t already, please register your delegates by emailing the PPI Board: board@pp-international.net. You can register at the last minute if you choose, but […]

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