#Pirates4Ukraine: An International Pirate Campaign to support Ukrainian Refugees

#Pirates4Ukraine: An International Pirate Campaign to support Ukrainian Refugees

  Pirate Parties International in collaboration with various PPI members are pleased to announce the official start of the ‘Pirates 4 Ukraine’ campaign. Pirates all over the world are devastated and angered by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the resulting humanitarian disaster, and the violence and repression towards both Ukrainians and anti-war activists in Russia. One of our brave colleagues and Chair of the Pirate Party […]

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Invite: Introduction to PPI Standing Committees

Invite: Introduction to PPI Standing Committees

Dear Pirates, You are hereby invited to join Pirate Parties International for our first working group event of the year, “Introduction to PPI Standing Committees”. We felt that before we start getting the Standing Committees going again, it would be a good idea to have an introductory session first. There are currently 5 PPI Standing Committees and as a group we will go through each […]

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General Assembly THIS WEEKEND! Here is everything you need to know.

General Assembly THIS WEEKEND! Here is everything you need to know.

Hello Pirates, As you all know, this weekend (Saturday, January 8th and Sunday, January 9th) is the PPI General Assembly! We are very much looking forward to meeting with all of you again and having a productive and FUN weekend! If you haven’t already, please register your delegates by emailing the PPI Board: board@pp-international.net. You can register at the last minute if you choose, but […]

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INVITE: Reviewing the Year and Planning for Next Term!

INVITE: Reviewing the Year and Planning for Next Term!

Dear Pirates, Can you believe it is almost the end of the year? It seems as though 2021 just flew by, and we are already in the process of organizing the end-of-term General Assembly for January 8th and 9th of 2022. As the winter holidays get closer the PPI Board thought it would be a good idea to have one more event to bring Pirates […]

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Happy Birthday Pirate Parties International !

Happy Birthday Pirate Parties International !

We are delighted to share that this weekend marks 11 years since the founding of Pirate Parties International! A little bit about the history: After the founding of Piratpartiet in Sweden on January 1, 2006, other pirate parties emerged throughout Europe, and later worldwide. In the same year, a loose network of these parties was formed. In June 2007, representatives of the pirate parties of […]

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Hello Pirates! Just a reminder that TOMORROW, Saturday, May 30th we will be holding our online Spring General Assembly! WOOOOOOO!! You can find a copy of the agenda, as well as proposed statute amendments and motions on Discourse: https://ga.pp-international.net/c/online-ga-may-2020/19 The GA will take place in the Pirate Party of Norway’s Zoom room, which we will open at 10:00am CEST: https://zoom.us/j/9303627084. We will begin the GA […]

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Pirate Statement on Homelessness for the United Nations

Pirate Statement on Homelessness for the United Nations

The following statement was made by Pirate Parties International headquarters (PPI HQ) for the Commission for Social Development (CSocD58) conference [1] on “affordable housing and social protection systems for all to address homelessness”. This year is special for the CSocD, which is celebrating 75 years. PPI’s statement now appears on the UN website. https://undocs.org/E/CN.5/2020/NGO/44E_CN.5_2020_NGO_44_E Pirate Parties International (PPI) concludes in this paper that technology-based tools […]

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Speech at the 2019 UN ECOSOC High-Level Segment

Speech at the 2019 UN ECOSOC High-Level Segment

On July 19, 2019 Pirates gathered again in New York City for the UN Sustainable Development Program and High Level Political Forum Pirate Parties International was chosen as one of 34 NGOs whose statements were approved to be made in front of the entire ECOSOC council. Dr. Ohad Shem Tov presented the following speech on behalf of PPI at the ECOSOC High-Level Segment. Watch a […]

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Speech at The United Nations Commission for Social Development

Speech at The United Nations Commission for Social Development

On February 19th, 2019 Dr. Ohad Bar Siman-Tov presented the following speech at the 57th UN Commission for Social Development (CSocD57) at UN Headquarters in New York. Over the course of February 11th to 21st several PPI representatives from around the world converged on New York for the event, including Mr. Raymond Johansen, Ms. Bailey Lamon, Mr. Ladislav Koubek, and Dr. Ohad Shem Tov. The […]

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