PPI Stand at the Internet Governance Forum; Dec 6 to 10 in Katowice, Poland

PPI Stand at the Internet Governance Forum; Dec 6 to 10 in Katowice, Poland

From December 6th to 10th the PPI will have its own stand (no. 29) at the UN’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF). If you’ll be in town, feel free to stop by and have a talk. Present at the stand will be some local Polish Pirates, as well as Gregory Engels, PPI vice-chair (Germany); Mike Gill, PPI general secretary (Czechia); Alexander Isavnin (Russia). Even Mikuláš Peksa, […]

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Czech Pirates are joining the new government!

Czech Pirates are joining the new government!

Czech Pirates are joining the new government! In a momentous vote, the Czech Pirates (Česká pirátská strana) approved their participation in the forming five-party coalition government. Thus set to make the Czechs the very first Pirate Party being a member of a government; in the entire world. In early October, the election took place. And for the Czech Pirates, it was an extremely bittersweet victory. […]

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INVITE: Campaigning During COVID-19 Part 2!

INVITE: Campaigning During COVID-19 Part 2!

Dear Pirates, We are pleased to invite you all to the meeting of our SCENE committee on Saturday, August 21st. The topic for this meeting is “Campaigning During COVID-19” and it is an extension of the meeting we held for the same topic back in February. When: Saturday, August 21st @ 13:00 UTC/15:00 CEST Where: PPI BigBlueButton Room https://bbb.piratensommer.de/b/gre-cnw-a9v Multiple PPI member parties have participated […]

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Pirate Security Conference Aug. 14 and 15

Pirate Security Conference Aug. 14 and 15

This weekend, Aug. 14 and 15, 2021, the annual Pirate Security Conference will take place. The title of this year’s conference is “New Horizons – Multidimensional World Politics and Security Aspects”. While the event is usually held physically, alongside the Munich Security Conference in February, due to health concerns revolving around the COVID-19 situation, and ongoing cancellations, it was decided to hold the event online. […]

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The PPI General Assembly is this weekend! Here’s what you need to know!

The PPI General Assembly is this weekend! Here’s what you need to know!

Dear Pirates, As you know this Saturday, July 3rd 2021 is the day of our mid-year PPI General Assembly. We are excited to connect with you all again and do some catching up as well as make plans for the future! Here are the things you need to know about the GA: Start time: 09:00 UTC, 11:00 CEST Location: Mumble! The server is mumble.ppi.rocks, port […]

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Dear Pirates, As we move further into 2021 we believe it is time for our mid-year General Assembly. We would like the opportunity to meet with our members and check in with one another about what we have been up to since the end of last year. We are excited to invite you to our early-Summer General Assembly, which will take place on Saturday, July […]

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Upcoming discussion: Membership data systems

Upcoming discussion: Membership data systems

Dear Pirates, Join us this Sunday, April 25th at 17:00 UTC/19:00 CEST to discuss the management of Pirate Party membership data. We will meet in the PPI Big Blue Button room: https://bbb.piratensommer.de/b/gre-cnw-a9v A few questions to get the discussion going: -How does your party manage its membership data? What tool(s) do you use? -What is needed to have a secure and effective management system? In […]

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PPI April 2021 social: Pirate cookout!

PPI April 2021 social: Pirate cookout!

Hello Pirates! This weekend we invite you to join us for our monthly social, commonly known as “Pirate Beer”. When: Saturday, April 24th at 17:30 UTC/19:30 CEST Where: https://bbb.piratensommer.de/b/gre-cnw-a9v As you can see, we’ve decided to start this one a little bit early, at 17:30 UTC/19:30 CEST. To keep with the recent trend of mixing things up at our socials, some folks have decided to […]

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Happy Birthday Pirate Parties International !

Happy Birthday Pirate Parties International !

We are delighted to share that this weekend marks 11 years since the founding of Pirate Parties International! A little bit about the history: After the founding of Piratpartiet in Sweden on January 1, 2006, other pirate parties emerged throughout Europe, and later worldwide. In the same year, a loose network of these parties was formed. In June 2007, representatives of the pirate parties of […]

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Elections in Israel with HaPiratim!

Elections in Israel with HaPiratim!

HaPiratim! The Pirate Party of Israel is running again in elections!   For the 4th time in just over 2 years there are early elections in Israel, making this the 6th time since 2012 that the Pirates will participate in national elections.   Dr. Ohad Shem Tov (picture above, right) is leading the list this time, followed by the retired Israeli TV producer and longtime […]

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