Invitation to the first Meeting of the Pirate Parties International Standing Committee on Universal Liaison on Party Labor (SCULL)

Invitation to the first Meeting of the Pirate Parties International Standing Committee on Universal Liaison on Party Labor (SCULL)

Invitation to the first Meeting of the Pirate Parties International Standing Committee on Universal Liaison on Party Labor (SCULL) We like to invite you to the first meeting of PPI‘s SCULL to be conducted online, Monday Januar 20 2020 20:00 – 22:00 CET in Zoom – Meeting ID 322 832 033 Password: 082251 who should attend: International Coordinators, IT officers. We initiate the SCULL […]

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PPI General Assembly 2019: Callout for hosts!

PPI General Assembly 2019: Callout for hosts!

Dear Pirates, It’s that time again! PPI is starting to prepare its 2019 annual General Assembly. The board is reaching out toward you, the member parties, to ask whether you would like to host this year’s GA. It is not very often that we are able to get all of us in the same place, so GAs are a great and invaluable opportunity for exactly […]

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Pirates at the UNOG

Pirates at the UNOG

This past week Pirate representatives Alex Kohler and Pat Mächler visited the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) at the United Nations Office At Geneva (UNOG). PPI has an amazing opportunity as a recognized member of the UN Economic and Social Affairs Committee (ECOSOC) to host and attend UN events in NY, Geneva, and around the world. We are working to make a difference by sending […]

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Eight years! – Pirate Parties International

Eight years! – Pirate Parties International

Eight years! – Pirate Parties International What a long trip it has been since the creation of PPI eight years ago! So many people voluntereed and contributed to the development of this unique global NGO. The current board would like to acknowledge and thank everyone for their contributions and their work towards the development of PPI. Where are we at 8 years later? PPI has […]

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The right to privacy in the digital age – Call for Volunteers

The right to privacy in the digital age – Call for Volunteers

There is a call for papers from the UN for a report on “the right to privacy in the digital age” – Deadline: 9 April 2018. We would appreciate any assistance towards submitting a 2500 word document. Let’s crowdsource and try to make the deadline. A copy of the full call for papers is available at: Please try to think of literature or empirical […]

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Monthly Meetings for International Coordination and Activism!

Monthly Meetings for International Coordination and Activism!

Hello Pirates! As you will recall if you were at the last PPI General Assembly back in April, there was a discussion about how we really need to meet more regularly. It’s nice to have GAs once in a while, but they’re really not useful when it comes to doing activism together. We need to have regular meetings in order to be able to plan […]

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Server migration (Update)

Server migration (Update)

Dear Members, dear pirates!

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