GA Quorum Issue and Upcoming Board Meeting

GA Quorum Issue and Upcoming Board Meeting

Ahoy Pirates, Alas we had an issue making quorum at the scheduled GA. There seem to be issues with the timing of our meetings, inactive parties that need to be reviewed, and active parties that need to join. At the next PPI Board meeting on Aug. 16, we will discuss ways to remedy this situation. Thank you all for your commitment to PPI. We appreciate […]

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Pirate Parties International General Assembly, July 29th

Pirate Parties International General Assembly, July 29th

About half a year has passed since our last GA, and we are ready for the 2023 PPI Summer GA! This will be an entirely online GA. At the last board meeting we decided to hold the next GA on Saturday, July 29th. We will start at 08:00 UTC, which is 10:00 CEST. This GA will focus on discussing various proposals. Election of new PPI […]

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UNOG: PPI consultations on autonomous weapons systems, information society, and science at the UN

UNOG: PPI consultations on autonomous weapons systems, information society, and science at the UN

An Update on Numerous Recent Activities of PPI at the United Nations Office in Geneva!   Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS) PPI has been accepted to be one of the Civil Society representatives to contribute on the mandate of regulation of autonomous weapons systems (AWS). All the technological aspects of understanding the use of functions of this systems are clear for all actors, the main issues […]

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Pirate Social Event: Pirate Beer! March 10th at 21:00 UTC

Pirate Social Event: Pirate Beer! March 10th at 21:00 UTC

Hello Pirates! We invite you to join us for our monthly social, commonly known as “Pirate Beer”. This will be the first Pirate Beer since the last GA. When: Friday, March 10th at 21:00 UTC/22:00 CET Where: We decided to start this one a little bit later, since this month’s board meeting is earlier. We also expect to have members present in the Far […]

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Happy Birthday Pirate Parties International!

Happy Birthday Pirate Parties International!

Happy Birthday, PPI. After 12 years, we look forward to our teens. Currently, 54 organizations are members of Pirate Parties International. Membership in PPI is open to parties and other organizations. Individuals can also become supporting members. The goals of the association are: a) to act according to the major interests and goals of our members, b) to raise awareness and widen the spread of […]

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Joint Statement by European Pirates and Pirate Parties International on Putin’s Aggression Against Ukraine

Joint Statement by European Pirates and Pirate Parties International on Putin’s Aggression Against Ukraine

The Pirates of Europe and the world strongly condemn the actions taken by Vladimir Putin. It’s with deep sorrow that we watch the events in Ukraine unfold, and our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine, those suffering the consequences of this conflict, and those opposing the war inside of Russia. We hope for a swift and peaceful resolution to this conflict, and for the […]

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PPI Stand at the Internet Governance Forum; Dec 6 to 10 in Katowice, Poland

PPI Stand at the Internet Governance Forum; Dec 6 to 10 in Katowice, Poland

From December 6th to 10th the PPI will have its own stand (no. 29) at the UN’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF). If you’ll be in town, feel free to stop by and have a talk. Present at the stand will be some local Polish Pirates, as well as Gregory Engels, PPI vice-chair (Germany); Mike Gill, PPI general secretary (Czechia); Alexander Isavnin (Russia). Even Mikuláš Peksa, […]

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ANNOUNCEMENT: PPI General Assembly January 2022!

ANNOUNCEMENT: PPI General Assembly January 2022!

Dear Pirates, It’s that time again! As we move into the final stretch of this year, it is time to start preparing for our main General Assembly of the year. Due to problems finding suitable dates in December this year, we are pleased to announce that the PPI General Assembly will take place on January 8th and 9th of 2022. Our last GA was on […]

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Pirate Security Conference Aug. 14 and 15

Pirate Security Conference Aug. 14 and 15

This weekend, Aug. 14 and 15, 2021, the annual Pirate Security Conference will take place. The title of this year’s conference is “New Horizons – Multidimensional World Politics and Security Aspects”. While the event is usually held physically, alongside the Munich Security Conference in February, due to health concerns revolving around the COVID-19 situation, and ongoing cancellations, it was decided to hold the event online. […]

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Dear Pirates, As we move further into 2021 we believe it is time for our mid-year General Assembly. We would like the opportunity to meet with our members and check in with one another about what we have been up to since the end of last year. We are excited to invite you to our early-Summer General Assembly, which will take place on Saturday, July […]

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