Jan. 7th 2024 PPI Board Meeting Will Be At 21:00 UTC, Review of General Assembly

Jan. 7th 2024 PPI Board Meeting Will Be At 21:00 UTC, Review of General Assembly

Ahoy Pirates, PPI’s first board meeting of the new board will take place on Jan. 7th, 2024 at 21:00 UTC. This board meeting will represent exactly 2 years since the last board was elected and the transition from one board to the next. Everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting will take place on Jitsi: https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPI-Board If anyone wants an item on the agenda, you […]

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Aaron Swartz Day Event from Australia, UK, and USA pirates

Aaron Swartz Day Event from Australia, UK, and USA pirates

INTERNET’S OWN BOY The following post is copied from the Massachusetts Pirate Party: https://masspirates.org/blog/2023/11/06/tue-wed-pirate-parties-screen-internets-own-boy/. They want to let the PPI community know about these great events. Aaron Swartz, born on November 8th, 1986, was an activist dedicated to an open Internet, freedom and transparency. He was hounded by the US government for sharing JSTOR research articles that we largely paid for, but that a small […]

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Pirate Parties International Statement on the Ongoing Conflict in Israel and Palestine

Pirate Parties International Statement on the Ongoing Conflict in Israel and Palestine

Pirate Parties International expresses its strong condemnation of the ongoing conflict in Israel and Palestine. We are deeply saddened by the events in the region and extend our solidarity to the people of both nations who are suffering the consequences of this protracted conflict. We firmly reject violence and advocate for a peaceful and diplomatic solution. We encourage Palestinians and Israelis to pave the way for an […]

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Statement from Pirate Party of Israel on the Hamas Massacre of October 7th and the Gaza-Israel War

Statement from Pirate Party of Israel on the Hamas Massacre of October 7th and the Gaza-Israel War

At sunrise on October 7th, thousands of participants at the peaceful NOVA music festival were brutally attacked and massacred by Hamas terrorists, resulting in over 260 butchered, and hundreds shot and injured. As an after-party, thousands of Hamas militants continued to carry out brutal massacres, torturing and mutilating bodies across civilian populations bordering the Gaza strip, killing men, women, children and pets indiscriminately. All this […]

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PPI sends delegates to the UN’s Cybercrime Committee

PPI sends delegates to the UN’s Cybercrime Committee

From August 21 to 25, 2023, PPI’s representatives at the UN Headquarters in New York, Dr. Ohad Shem Tov and Dr. Keith Goldstein, participated as delegates in the Sixth session of the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes: https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/cybercrime/ad_hoc_committee/ahc_sixth_session/main. The committee was attended primarily by national delegations, as well as […]

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September 13th Board Meeting and GA Rescheduling Updates

September 13th Board Meeting and GA Rescheduling Updates

Ahoy Pirates, On August 16th we had our first board meeting since the intended summer General Assembly (GA) failed to reach quorum. Proposals were discussed about rescheduling the GA. It was voted on that we would delay the meeting until the winter, as this is still within the timeframe required by our statute of at least 1 GA per year. The dates of December 9th […]

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GA Quorum Issue and Upcoming Board Meeting

GA Quorum Issue and Upcoming Board Meeting

Ahoy Pirates, Alas we had an issue making quorum at the scheduled GA. There seem to be issues with the timing of our meetings, inactive parties that need to be reviewed, and active parties that need to join. At the next PPI Board meeting on Aug. 16, we will discuss ways to remedy this situation. Thank you all for your commitment to PPI. We appreciate […]

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July 19th, Pirate Beer @04:00 UTC and Board Meeting @ 05:00 UTC

July 19th, Pirate Beer @04:00 UTC and Board Meeting @ 05:00 UTC

Ahoy Pirates, The next PPI board meeting will take place on July 19th at 05:00 UTC. Also, we will be having a Pirate Beer event just prior to the board meeting @04:00 UTC. This will be early in the morning for those in Europe, so please wake up early. A week after this meeting will be the GA, and we will be discussing preparations for […]

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Pirate Parties International General Assembly, July 29th

Pirate Parties International General Assembly, July 29th

About half a year has passed since our last GA, and we are ready for the 2023 PPI Summer GA! This will be an entirely online GA. At the last board meeting we decided to hold the next GA on Saturday, July 29th. We will start at 08:00 UTC, which is 10:00 CEST. This GA will focus on discussing various proposals. Election of new PPI […]

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Next PPI Board Meeting and Pirate Beer, June 21st

Next PPI Board Meeting and Pirate Beer, June 21st

The next PPI board meeting will take place on June 21st at 21:00 UTC, which is 23:00 CEST. Also, we will be having a Pirate Beer event just prior to the board meeting: June 21st at 20:00 UTC, which is 22:00 CEST. Both events will take place in the following room: https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPI-Board You can always stay updated about our events in the PPI calendar: https://pp-international.net/calendar/ We look forward to seeing you there!    

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